No ring finger on left hand

Numbness of the fingers can arise as a result of incorrect position of the hands, and be a sign of health problems. Let's try to understand why the ring finger on the left hand grows dumb.

The reasons why the ring finger of the left hand grows dumb

Single cases of numbness of fingers after awakening or long preservation of a static posture should not be a cause for concern about the state of health. There is this phenomenon, because the nerve endings for a long time was the pressure or the arm was long tense. Another thing, often arose or a constant feeling of numb fingers. Most likely, this is a sign of a developing ailment.

The area of ​​the ring finger of the left hand is the projection of the heart on the body. In this connection, unpleasant sensations in an anonymous finger often indicate violations in the work of the cardiovascular system. This fact becomes obvious in the case when the symptom intensifies at night. Exacerbates the feeling of numbness in the pathologies of the heart, alcohol abuse and smoking. Numbness of the finger can lead to a weakening of the hand, and subsequently move to the area of ​​the left forearm and shoulder.

An unnamed finger on the left arm becomes numb even when there are abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system. Most often the cause of numbness of the finger, especially in the elderly, is osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine.

In some cases, the ring finger on the left arm is numb because of intervertebral hernias and unilateral scoliosis. As a rule, these diseases are also characterized by painful sensations in the part of the hand that grasps the area from the forearm to the shoulder.

Another cause of numbness is atherosclerosis and the development of the inflammatory process in the joints of the hands. Experts associate the appearance of this ailment with a lack of vitamins A and B in the body.

If the nameless and middle fingers of the left arm grow numb, and pain and weakness are noted, the nerves of the brachial plexus may be pinched or the inflammation of the elbow joint may develop.

Sometimes numbness of one or more fingers is a consequence of the transferred physical trauma.

Left-handed fingers on the left arm may be dull as a result of carpal tunnel syndrome. This syndrome occurs in representatives of some professions, when the hand is constantly tense, for example, programmers, carpenters, seamstresses, etc.

Why does the tip of the ring finger of the left arm grow dumb?

Loss of sensitivity of the pads of the fingers, as a rule, occurs with endocrine disorders, primarily, diabetes mellitus .