Tumor of the rectum

The formation of pathological formations are subject to all systems of the human body. Tumor of the rectum - one of the most frequent diagnoses, especially in people aged 45-50 years, it is on the third place in the list of oncological diseases of the digestive tract. This disease occurs mainly in men, as they consume more protein foods and red meat.

Classification of tumors of the rectum

The described group of neoplasms is divided into 2 large groups, each of which is additionally classified into several subspecies.

Benign tumors of the rectum:

1. Formed from connective tissue or muscles:

2. Epithelial:

3. Consisting of nerve and vascular bundles:

Malignant tumors of the rectum:

1. On the histological structure:

2. By the nature of the growth:

Also, rectal cancer is classified according to the stage of development of the neoplasm, from zero to 4-th degree.

Treatment of tumors in the rectum

Therapy of benign neoplasms usually involves removal of the tumor. The operations are performed by the endoscopic method, and the excised tissues are thoroughly examined afterwards during the histological analysis.

In some cases, for example, with multiple polyps that have grown over the entire surface of the walls, which provoke bleeding and inflammatory processes with decay and mucus formation, a complete resection of the affected bowel is required. Sometimes a partial removal of the adjacent area of ​​the colon.

Treatment of malignant tumors is also based on excision of pathological formation and nearby tissues. In addition, radiation and chemical therapy are performed, both before and after surgery.

The prognosis for villous and other benign tumors of the rectum is favorable. Compliance with the recommendations of the proctologist and the prescribed diet, as well as regular preventive examinations, can prevent the degeneration of such tumors into cancer.

Forecasts for malignant tumors are not much worse. Survival within 5 years after the detection of the disease is about 40%, even in the case of advanced cancer .