Instant noodles - harm and benefit

Instant noodles - this is one of the dishes belonging to the category of fast food and, like most types of such products has more harm than good. Convenience and ability to quickly prepare a snack, made noodles one of the most popular dishes in the world, but the question is how much it satiates and what gives our body think a few.

Harm and benefit of instant noodles

In order to understand the nutritional values ​​of this dish, you first need to understand what and how to make instant noodles. The technology of production of various types of noodles does not differ in principle.

To make this pasta, take the flour with a high protein content, dense steep dough is kneaded on water, then with the help of special devices it is shaped into thin spiral threads. After the macaroni noodles are formed, the stages of steaming, roasting and drying are carried out.

Synthetic substances are added as a preservative for prolonging the shelf life of the noodles. Most often, butyl hydroquinone is used for this purpose, which is a by-product of oil refining. The harm of instant noodles is precisely the high content of synthetic chemical additives.

The sauces and condiments sold with noodles are generally one continuous chemistry without the slightest fraction of natural products. Even more expensive types of noodles, in whose sauce meat products are used, which are the remains of the production of products from other branches of the meat industry, are so stuffed with chemicals that it is generally ridiculous to talk about their useful properties.

Another factor that is harmful to instant noodles is the extremely high content of the glutamate taste enhancer of sodium and sodium in general. Medical research has long proven that excessive use of sodium salts has a range of negative effects on the human body. Frequent use of sodium glutamate is addictive, and can also cause heart rhythm disturbances, headaches, induce weakness and nausea.

On the question of whether the instant noodles are harmful, all dieticians and doctors respond in the affirmative. It's reasonable to ask - is there any benefit? Of course, the noodles contain some nutritional elements, as well as the proportion of vitamins and minerals, but their number is so small that it is simply useless to talk about the benefits.