How is Persimmon useful and what does it heal?

Despite its size and appearance, a persimmon is not a fruit, but a berry. In Europe and many other countries, she came from Japan and China. On sale persimmon appears in the winter months, and this season is never missed by those people who know what a persimmon is useful and what it treats.

The composition and healing properties of persimmons

One of the most serious enemies for the life of modern man is cardiovascular disease: ischemia, tachycardia, infarction. The most important for the health of the heart and blood vessels are potassium and magnesium in a very small amount that enter the body and are easily lost due to bad ecology and bad habits. Persimmon is primarily useful as an abundant source of natural potassium and magnesium, necessary for cores.

Among other useful substances contained in persimmon, it is especially possible to isolate beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A, necessary for acute vision. Vitamin C, which is also a lot in this berry, helps to strengthen the body's defenses, and also supports the vessels in an elastic state. And the iodine in persimmon preserves the health and functionality of the thyroid gland.

What heals persimmon?

Low acidity of persimmons, high content of pectins and fiber in it make berries very useful for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. With such health problems, persimmon should be purchased necessarily ripe and soft, otherwise the disease can be exacerbated.

Those who would like to know what property of persimmon - whether it strengthens or weakens, it is worth remembering that the immature fruit secures the stool because of the high content of tannin, and in the ripe berries it is much less. When you use the recommended rate of doctors - one ripe berries a day - there are no problems with the stool.

Doctors recommend including in a diet a persimmon at:

Persimmon and diabetics, who are banned from sweet foods, are useful. Glycemic index of persimmon is 45 units, the norm recommended by endocrinologists is 3 berries per week. However, people with diabetes should be careful and control sugar in the blood.

Do not give up persimmons and dieters. Its calorie content is not too high - 80-120 kcal in one berry, but at the same time due to the presence of plant fibers it causes a feeling of satiety for a long time. Losing weight can include persimmon in the diet or arrange a fasting day on this berry.

What are the harmful properties of persimmons?

Persimmon can harm a person with pancreatic pathology and hypersensitivity to iodine. It is contraindicated also to people who have undergone a surgical operation on the stomach or intestines - a persimmon can cause the formation of adhesions. Do not eat this viscous berries for pregnant women and children under 3 years. Contraindications include an allergic reaction to persimmon.