Coffee with cognac - good and bad

Coffee with cognac, or coffee in French, thanks to an ideal combination of tastes, is loved by so many men and women. There are many recipes and opinions on how to drink coffee with cognac. Some recommend adding cognac directly to freshly brewed coffee, but this approach is fundamentally wrong.

In fact, you need to weld black coffee according to your favorite recipe and pour it into a slightly warmed cup, which will enhance the taste and aroma of the drink. Cognac, in contrast to coffee, must be cooled and used cold. It is the combination of hot coffee with chilled brandy that gives the same effect that emphasizes the taste and aroma of each of the drinks.

Benefit and harm of coffee with cognac

Each of these drinks individually have a lot of warnings from doctors, and even their rattling mixture all the more causes a lot of controversy and doubt. If you think about what can bring coffee with cognac, then in addition to taste and tasting qualities can be noted only a good tonic and warming effect.

Indeed, if you go into the house with frosty air and drink a cup of coffee with cognac, you can feel:

The rest of the properties of this cocktail are much less pleasant. Many people are interested in raising or lowering the pressure of coffee with cognac. The arithmetic of the answer to this question is simple - coffee raises blood pressure, cognac too, like all strong spirits. In sum, we get a double increase in pressure.

Perhaps, it is because of the quality of cognac to increase its pressure and it is customary to bite a lemon differing in the reverse effect. The conclusion suggests itself - people with a tendency to hypertension and having problems with the cardiovascular system, to use coffee with cognac is categorically contraindicated. In general, such pleasure, as this cocktail, should be savored occasionally, but not turned into a daily habit, since in addition to the heart and blood vessels, the digestive system and liver are also heavily loaded with this delicacy.