Energy Qi - how to feel, develop, manage the energy of Qi?

The energy of Qi is the very breath of life, no matter how metaphorical and poetic it may sound, Qi is no less real than material things. You can not touch it, but you can feel and learn how to manage it. The correct flow of Qi in the human body is a pledge of health and longevity.

The vital energy of Qi

Qi is a fundamental concept of subtle energy in Chinese philosophy and medicine. Hieroglyph (Qi, Chi, Ki) is a set of values ​​in one:

Energy permeates everything - every centimeter of space, material object, human body. Without Qi, there is no life, love, power, accomplishments. Chinese sages subdivided the general Qi in the human body into 4 groups:

  1. The primary energy of the yuan, Qi, is concentrated in the kidneys and controls the rest of the energy;
  2. Respiratory internal energy Qi (Tsong) - blood, circulates in all systems and organs;
  3. Nutritional (Yin) - its body receives when nourished;
  4. Protective (Wei) - muscles, skin. Barrier from the negative effects of destructive energies.

How to feel the energy of Qi?

Everyone can feel their energy, this is not something supernatural. There is a simple exercise energy of Qi - awakening, allowing to feel the flow of cosmic and internal streams:

  1. The starting position is to stand straight, the distance between the feet is about 45 cm.
  2. Knees slightly bend, slightly sprung to relax them. The back is straight.
  3. Hands to divide to the side, forming a figure of the cross, fingers to lift up fingers, thus palms form a right angle in relation to hands.
  4. Close your eyes and stand in this position for 5 to 10 minutes, keeping track of your sensations. Even a beginner feels how energy moves from the fingertips, through the hands to the body.

How to use the energy of Qi?

Qi is the energy of life, without which a person can not do anything. If we start to consciously work with the energy of Chi (Qi): to accumulate, to expend, the quality of life improves, the person goes to another evolutionary level. Use the energy of qi is possible for different purposes: meditation, healing, learning, and interaction with cosmic energies. But in order for all this to become possible, it is necessary to practice and develop energy - without everyday exercises, the conscious use of Qi is impossible.

Qi energy - how to develop it?

The development of Qi energy affects a person in several directions: mind-body-soul - their harmonization takes place. Therefore, in order to maximize the development of vital energy, the balance in nutrition, physical activity and spiritual practices is important. A person who has embarked on the path of self-knowledge and practicing work with energies will be able to realize this potential from nature and divine potential to the full.

Energy Qi - exercises for energy storage

All the famous practicing masters Qigong and Tai Ji are long-livers, with a clear mind, what can be the best proof that the Qi energy is not a myth? The rapid pace of life in large cities leaves little time for themselves, how to restore the energy of Qi in the busy schedule of everyday affairs? Practice 15-20 minutes a day, and the result will be a burst of energy and good health. Energy Qi - exercise:

  1. Work with the breath . Take a comfortable position of the body. The breath-breathing cycle - all attention to breathing. Thoughts that come to mind, it is important to note, but do not analyze, release them and again concentrate on the inspiration-exhalation. The important point: to breathe not just the thorax but also the diaphragm (the stomach is activated). Breathe a few minutes (3 - 10).
  2. Practice for hands . Helps to develop Qi. Exercise: the right hand is at the level of the face, the palm looks down parallel to the ground, the left hand at the level of the solar plexus, the palm looks up. Presenting that in the hands of a large ball, slowly move the palms in a circle, as if rotating the ball. Concentration on breathing.

Meditation is the reception of Qi energy

In ancient times, attentive people noticed that trees exist longer than humans, the assumption was that trees receive energy from Heaven and Earth. So there was an exercise - meditation, in which the training of the energy of Qi "Big Tree" takes place:

  1. Open channels. To do this, the index finger and middle finger of the right hand should be folded in the shape of a scraper and held by bent phalanges along the sides of the fingers of the left hand, mentally scraping the dirt and opening the channels. Repeat by changing hands.
  2. Stand in position: feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. The tongue touches the upper sky, the eyes are closed.
  3. Imagine that the feet grow deep into the earth and turn into the roots of a mighty tree, absorbing energy from the earth, and the body stretches to the sky, the Moon, the Sun, absorbing the energy of the cosmos itself. Raise your hands to the level of the navel, while keeping your elbows from the trunk, imagining that there are fragile tennis balls in the armpits. Hands are rounded, and between the palms and the navel is a large energy ball.
  4. Concentration on energy: The Earth's Qi passes through the foot-roots, and above the powerful flow of Qi Cosmos, while the energy sphere rotates between the palms and the navel.

How to manage the energy of Qi?

Control of the Qi energy becomes possible if basic rules are observed:

Chinese Medicine - Qi Energy

Energy Qi and sores - how do Chinese healers explain the ailments that arose in humans? Disease is a weakness that leads to an invasion of the disease. In Chinese medicine, there are 3 types of stress leading to diseases:

  1. Kidneys (stress 1) - is manifested by a constant sense of decline in strength, hormonal imbalance and decreased libido. Emotions at the same time: fear, irritability, anxiety. Recommendations for the replenishment of Qi kidney: a full sleep, eating seafood, nuts, breathing practices.
  2. Organs of digestion (stress 2) - exhaustion of chi manifests itself in abdominal pain, flatulence, stool disorders. Emotions: insults, sudden outbreaks of aggression, unmotivated crying. Replaces the Qi digestion with a long diet: cereals in the water, steamed vegetables, berries. Keep a diary of observations, verbalize the emotional state.
  3. Liver (stress 3) - incorrect flow of Qi in this organ leads to a violation in the whole body. It is manifested by sleep disorders, and inability to cope with current tasks. Recovery of Qi liver occurs with proper nutrition: the rejection of fatty and refined foods. Planning the day will help the Qi energy not dissipate to insignificant things.