Landing onions for the winter

Onions are a capricious culture. In dry weather, the arrow shoots out, into the damp - it begins to rot. But truck farmers invented a new, more productive way of growing onions - planting under the winter. To get a good harvest, you need to know when and what bow to plant for the winter.

Fall onion planting in autumn

To plant the onions in the autumn, you must choose a sunny and dry place on the site. It is very good to plant onions after pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and legumes. Soil for planting onions must be pre-dug or well wrecked. In the ground add humus or compost mixed with wood ash.

Preliminarily make beds up to 100 cm wide and up to 20 cm high. Soil the soil from weeds and disinfect with copper sulphate solution at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water. Before planting, the land in the beds should settle well and compact. If a stem nematode was seen on the site, then the beds for onions should be spilled with a solution of table salt before planting. Onion flies well watered with tobacco infusion.

For planting for the winter it is better to choose onions of sharp varieties, for example, Centurion or Stuttgarter. Depending on the size of the bulb, it is divided into the following categories:

From the first category and oatsyzhki most often the best onion grows. Plant such a nest in the grooves to a depth of 2-3 cm. When planting onion for the winter for a deeper than 4 cm, in the spring it may not germinate and rot.

For the early receipt of a green feather, it is best to use the second-class onion for planting for the winter. Turnip from it can not be obtained: most likely in the summer he will go to the arrow. Plant such a sowing should be denser, to a depth of up to six centimeters.

After planting the beds must be covered with any organic material: mown grass , hay, dry leaves. To do this, even doors from beans and beans are suitable. That's just polyethylene film can not be used. In order that the mulch is not carried by the wind, the top landing is covered with lapnik or dry branches. For mulching it is better not to use peat and sawdust, since in the spring it will be very difficult to remove them without damaging the young shoots.

Dates of planting onion for the winter

To planted in autumn, the onion had a good root, it must be planted before the soil freezes. Then it will well take and successfully overwinter. The best time for planting onions for the winter is from 5 to 20 October. If in winter the air temperature falls below -10-12 ° C, landing of the onion should be covered with snow. And in the spring this snow should be scattered to prevent the stagnation of water in the beds.

Onion processing before planting

Each trucker wants his efforts not to be wasted. Let's find out what can be done onions before planting to get a good harvest. Everyone knows that antiseptics prevent occurrence of fungal diseases. Therefore, in autumn, long before harvesting, we must take care of its safety: before planting, process the bulbs with a warm weak solution of copper sulfate. But if you place bulbs for one minute in water at a temperature of 60 ° C, then this method will help to avoid archery in the summer. To bow does not go into the arrow, you can use a more modern way. For this bulb before planting it is necessary to wrap it with a cloth and place it in a glass vessel, put it in a microwave and warm it for about a minute and a half. After that, the heated seeds must be treated with a growth stimulant. And you can safely plant in the soil - a good harvest of onions is guaranteed.