What kind of vitamin is contained in onions?

Researchers believe that ancient people cultivated onion more than 4 thousand years ago. Hardly they knew what vitamin is contained in onions, but in practice they noticed the medicinal properties of this vegetable. In addition, the onion has always been popular due to its peculiarity to improve the taste of any dish.

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of onion so surprised our ancestors that they came to the conclusion that this vegetable is able to fight with evil spirit and to lead misfortune. Some warriors even hid the bulb in front of him under his shirt, hoping that she would protect from trouble.

Mineral substances and vitamins contained in onions helped our grandparents maintain health for a long time, get rid of infections, scurvy, keep the health of teeth and skin and relieve inflammation. Onion was so fond of the villagers that they ate it raw with a slice of bread and fat, just a little salting, and washing down with kvass.

We understand that the wonderful power of this wonderful vegetable is to a large extent due to the content of vitamins in onions, phytoncides, essential oils and minerals, organic acids. Even more about this know folk medicine men, who consider the bow an important remedy.

What vitamins are in onions?

  1. Vitamin C. It's amazing, but 200 g of onions can give us a daily dose of ascorbic acid. Of course, you do not need to eat onions with bread, but you just need to add it to salads. Even after heat treatment, the vegetable will retain a third of its useful composition.
  2. The precursor of vitamin A , or β-carotene. When this precursor interacts with vitamin E contained in the oil, it turns into a full-fledged vitamin A. Therefore, the onions fried in a pan are useful for the health of our eyes and mucous membranes.
  3. B vitamins . It turns out that thanks to the use of onions, we can strengthen mental health and improve the work of central and peripheral nervous systems.
  4. Vitamin PP . Although its in onions and a small amount, but he can also take part in lowering cholesterol and improving oxidation-reduction reactions.
  5. Vitamin K. Do not forget about onions if you have problems with nails and hair. This vitamin promotes the absorption of calcium and the synthesis of collagen.

Even more vitamins in green onions. He loses onions only on the number of vitamins of group B.

Now, knowing exactly what vitamin contains the onion, you will love onion dishes even more. And, therefore, you can get even more benefit from using this wonderful vegetable.