Apricots for losing weight

According to historians, apricot was known to ancient civilizations, and the first mention of it is attributed to ancient China. Today, this culture has spread almost throughout Europe and Asia and has about 200 varieties, each of which has its own merits. But all of them are united by delicate tender pulp and a rich palette of vitamins and minerals.

The composition of apricot includes beta-carotene, formed from vitamin A and is one of the strongest antioxidants. Berry is also rich in vitamins of group B , R, C and contains a whole "bouquet" of useful organic acids, magnesium and phosphorus.

It improves the condition of the skin, teeth and hair and prevents the general aging of the body. However, the question of whether it is possible to eat apricots in case of weight loss raises controversy. This is worth considering.

Are not apricots harmful?

Many argue that it is impossible to lose weight with apricots, because they are quite high in calories. This is true, especially if the conversation concerns their sweet varieties and dried apricots (dried). However, as you know, informed - means, armed. If you decide to lose weight, it is clear that you will have to give up apricots, dried apricots and sweet berries.

But, figuring out whether apricots are useful for losing weight, it is worth knowing that they contain potassium, pectins that improve heart function and have an easy diuretic effect, relieve a significant load from the heart muscle and the genitourinary system, which helps to fight excess weight.

But that is not all. Apricots with weight loss are also useful in that they normalize the activity of the intestine, fight with fecal debris, remove toxins and even radionuclides from the body.

What is an "apricot diet"?

When it comes to diet, many believe that it implies a certain number of days when it is necessary to "sit" solely on apricots. In fact, the diet for apricots for weight loss involves the use of other dietary products: cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables, unsweetened fruits, oat bran . Some are happy to eat apricots with milk for weight loss, making the menu of such a diet, it is worth consulting with a dietitian, as it is necessary to take into account both the state of health and individual characteristics of the organism.

It is clear that in all things a measure is needed, as regards this wonderful sunny berry. Particular care must be taken at the end of the day. Experts often ask whether it is possible to eat apricots in the evening when losing weight and, as a rule, nutritionists give a positive answer, but - with the caveat: at night one should not eat a lot of apricots, as the reaction of the body to such a "night gift" may not always be positive .