The yeast Evitaly - good and bad

Sour-milk products are the basis and a significant component of many diets, both for weight loss and medical purpose. Yogurt, as one of the most delicious and healthy kinds of this category of products, is rightfully considered a leader along with kefir and cottage cheese.

When buying industrial yoghurts, there is a big risk that it will contain various additives (preservatives, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers) that reduce, if at all, no useful properties. Yogurt on the right technology is called a product that contains exclusively milk and bacterial leaven.

Benefits and harm of the yeast Evitaly

Today, there was the opportunity to prepare a quality, environmentally friendly and, of course, useful yogurt at home, thanks to the dry yeast Evitalia. Nobody, probably, does not cause doubts that homemade yogurt prepared with own hands from high-quality milk and live leaven will bring much more benefit to the body, because it is 100% natural and always fresh.

The use of the starter Evitaly consists in its composition:

Thanks to this biochemical composition, homemade yoghurt not only has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, but also strengthens the body's defenses, restores the immune system and healthy intestinal microflora, improves the functional capacity of the liver and kidneys, helps fight allergic reactions, increases overall tone and struggles with hypovitaminosis and lack of minerals.

Application of starter Evitilia

Prepare yogurt from leaven Evitalia is not large There are two main ways:

  1. Boil 2 liters of milk and cool it to 40 degrees, remove the foam and fill the leaven, mix well. A jar of milk should be wrapped in several layers of paper and carefully wrapped with a towel or a rug. Leave for 12-14 hours.
  2. When using a yogurt or multivark, the same proportions are observed, but the process itself is faster (about 6 hours).

It must be remembered that the fatter milk, the more yogurt can be cooked. For milk 2.5% - 2 liters, for milk 6% - 4 liters. In ready-made yogurt to taste and desire, you can add sugar, honey or any berries, fruits and dried fruits . Evitaly does not have any harm and contraindications to leaven.