Magic beans for weight loss

Manufacturers of the Chinese medicine for weight loss "Magic beans" argue that the tablets are endowed with a strong fat-burning composition, which makes it possible to get rid of a monthly course of intake of 10-20 kg, depending on the initial weight. According to them, due to the presence of the horse in the cone, the cells breathe freely and the process of splitting fats in the abdomen, legs and in other problem areas proceeds more rapidly. Promise and rejuvenating effect - collagen , nourishes and strengthens the skin from the inside, so the body remains flexible. Losing weight does not imply restrictions in eating and exercise, weight goes away naturally, easily and effortlessly.

The authors assure that the departed kilograms at the end of the course will not resume - a person will keep a slender body for the rest of his life. Probably, those who invented BAA understand that no one will want to buy "Magic beans" again. After all, such an intention will not arise for anybody, since after using, the desired miracle-action a person will not receive. According to the instruction of the drug "Magic Beans - Cyclonal Weight Loss": they have no side effects; are intolerant with alcohol; are forbidden to pregnant women; are not recommended for children; men; people with high blood pressure, with heart and kidney disease, but they can relieve swelling. Curiously, if the miracle beans for weight loss are not so dangerous, so why so many contraindications in the instructions?

In one box of 36 tablets. It is advised to drink one capsule per day. In some cases (with advanced stages of obesity) it is recommended to double the daily dose. And yet, there is no single explanation for the application. There are also sellers who, perhaps with the purpose of selling several packages at once, offer to drink one capsule in two days. Then the treatment will last for 2.5 months.

The composition of "Magic beans"

In the composition, of course, the components of only natural genesis. Of course, they do not get worse from their well-being and the weight leaves inexplicably. But it is worth noting that in the composition there are several substances obtained and chemically. And at the end of the listed components you can see "and other substances", what is meant by "other" and by what way they are extracted - it is not known.

The expected effect of "Magic beans": the drug blocks, inhibits fat retention in the body, accelerates metabolism, fat cells are burned and transformed into energy. That sounds good! But if you pay attention to the composition, it becomes clear that losing weight with the help of the drug is difficult. Of the 5 components, 3 are absolutely inactive, and the rest are presented in too low doses to provide a therapeutic effect.

Low-effective substances in small doses: L-carnitine; cellulose. In order for L-carnitine to give an effect, it should be consumed more than 1 gram per day. Fiber can only help if its dosage together with the liquid is enough to fill the stomach (that is, you will need to drink at least 3 liters of water per day). It turns out, all the responsibility in losing weight is borne by unknown additional components. But is it worth taking a remedy whose composition is not authentically disclosed? After additives harmful to human health can be included in dietary supplements.


Prices in various online stores fluctuate significantly, so it seems that someone as profitable and distributes, and the price is in no way determined by the effectiveness of the drug. On average, a relatively large - about $ 30. for packing. Whether it is more logical for such sum most to develop the plan of growing thin or to consult with the dietician and to choose the most suitable system of a food for weight correction? Those who have not yet lost the hope to lose weight with the help of bioadditives, you should know that "Magic Beans" are not the best assistants in this matter, because the result from them will eventually be one - it is unlikely that they will manage to lose weight by this help.