When do children begin to grow?

The life of the young mother is full of anxieties and worries - everything is new for her, everything is associated with unnecessary feelings and causes a storm of emotions. Flying with space speed the first month of life of the baby and the mother begins to worry - when the children begin to aguk, how to teach the child this art?

This long-awaited moment

When the child begins to agukat - the case is very individual. But usually children begin to communicate with the outside world with the help of agukaniya just in the second month of life. During this period of their speech, guttural vowel sounds appear, which adults classify as agukanie.

First, the kid uses a new skill to talk with himself, and then draws on the acquired skills for dialogue with objects of sympathy - parents and toys that they like. Often the kid in this way sings to the music that he likes.

How to talk a child?

How to teach a child to grow? There are no special tricks for this, just need to communicate with him as much as possible, try to accompany with words any action, every manipulation carried out with the baby. Do not forget that kids are very peremachivy and successfully copy the intonation of adult speech. Share with your baby your joys, do not be lazy to chat with him when he demands it. Pay proper attention to the hands of the baby - they have points closely connected with the speech center in the child's brain. By stimulating them with various kinds of finger games, strokes, new tactile sensations, you also develop the child's speech at the same time.

Very often the cause of anxiety is the fact that successfully and on time starting, the child for some reason after a while does not agukaet. Do not worry, most likely, the solution is that it's time for your child to learn new skills - screaming, squealing and laughing. Usually the child comes to these skills at the age of 4-5 months, and before that for some time he is silent.

If the child is silent at all, that is, the agukat has ceased, and new sounds in his speech do not appear, then pay attention to the surrounding environment. Perhaps, in this way, the baby is stressed about any changes. Or the reason is that it is not well.

Of course, all children are individual and development takes place at all at different rates. But if the kid persistently does not want to agukat, consult in this occasion with the pediatrician. Perhaps his reluctance to communicate is the result of any neurological problems.