The child is hanging on the chest

Breastfed mothers on natural feeding often experience various kinds of inconveniences, due to the fact that the child is constantly hanging on the chest. Often, this situation is interpreted by "experienced" grandmothers as a lack of milk, but modern pediatricians see other reasons.

Why does the child always hang on his chest?

Regardless of age, the baby can suckle for a very long time. Frequent reasons for this are the need for bodily contact with the mother and the fear that she will not come on demand. Frequent attachment to the breast of a one-year-old child may indicate that the baby does not develop harmoniously, but out of habit tries to satisfy its needs and solve problems at the expense of the breast. On the assurances of experts, only in 3% of cases the child hangs on the chest due to lack of milk or its insufficient caloric content.

When are frequent attachments necessary?

For a newborn at the age of up to 2 months, this behavior is normal. The formation of stable lactation is almost impossible without frequent and prolonged attachments to the chest. So in the body of the mother is maintained a high level of the hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of milk. On-demand feeding is also beneficial for the baby. After all, the volume of his ventricle is approximately 30 ml, and the time of digestion of milk does not exceed 15 minutes. Accordingly, applying to the chest every 3 hours, will lead to the fact that the crumb will not have enough nutrients, and to eat a large portion at a time will not allow a small amount of stomach.

How to disaccustom a child to hang on his chest?

To exclude the lack of milk, you need to conduct an experiment - to refuse for a day from using diapers and count the number of wet diapers. If there are more than 12, then there is nothing to worry about.

Understanding the main reason why a newborn baby hangs all day on the chest is the main reference point in the further actions of the mother. If the milk of the wet nurse is sufficient, then the little one desperately needs bodily contact and protection. She needs to talk more with the baby, do not hesitate to show her love and care. Do not try to wean the baby from the chest violently - this will only exacerbate the situation and become a great stress for the baby. Only patience and calm, and soon the time will come when the child stops hanging on his chest all day and all night.