How to cook compote?

In the hot summer season long thirst quenched fragrant fruit and berry compotes. This drink is rich in vitamins. Cold compote, boiled without the addition of sugar, quenches thirst and, in fact, is a diet drink due to the minimum calorie content. This is its difference from carbonated drinks that are sold in stores.

How to cook a delicious compote to make it fun for adults and children, it is interesting to know all the housewives, especially beginners.

What can be cooked compote?

For compote, you can take any fruits and berries, fresh, and dried, and frozen. You can make a fragrant drink from one type of fruit, and you can collect a fruit and berry assortment. Perhaps the most varied combination of fruits. An unusual taste is different compotes, cooked from vegetables: rhubarb , pumpkin, carrots. Adding to the compote may serve as greens (mint, lemon balm), spices (ginger, cinnamon, cumin), citrus peel, raspberry or currant leaves, which will not only ennoble the taste of the drink, but also add beneficial properties.

How to cook the compote correctly?

Preparation of compote - a simple process, but to fully manifest the best qualities of the drink, you must follow certain rules:

The proposed recipe will give information on how to cook compote from berries.



Place the container with water on the fire, pouring out the sugar. When the syrup begins to boil, dip the pre-washed berries into it. A few minutes after the boil of the drink, turn the stove off. When compote is used for 30 minutes, we recommend that you strain it, especially if you plan to treat guests or it is intended for toddlers.

To make a compote of frozen berries, we also allow water with sugar to boil, and pour frozen fruits out of the package. With success you can use independently frozen berries. It should be noted that with this method of harvesting berries retain their vitamin properties almost completely. It is not necessary to defrost the fruits so that they remain intact during cooking. Rich color compote, poured into a transparent jug or high glass glasses, looks very appetizing.