Lemon drink

Lemon drink will help you to refresh yourself during the summer, and on winter days - to cope with vitamin deficiency . Variations of its preparation are many, and all of them are incredibly simple in execution. Let's find out with you how to make a lemon drink.

Lemon drink recipe



Lemon washed and cut into thin rings. In a saucepan, boil the water with sugar, throw the prepared lemon and immediately remove the dishes from the plate. Cover the lid and leave to stand for 6 hours. After that, we pour the finished drink in glasses and serve it in a cooled form.

Lemon drink at home



Lemons are thoroughly washed in warm water, dry with a paper towel and shredder together with zest in thin circles, removing if necessary bones. At the bottom of a clean three-liter jar we spread citrus fruits and fall asleep with a few spoons of sugar. With a wooden mortar, gently squash the fruit until the juice appears. The ready lemon mass is left for a while, and in the meantime we boil water in a pan. Then we cool it a little and pour it into the jar. We pour the remaining sugar, gently mix everything, cover with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for about a day. In the resulting lemon-honey drink, if necessary, put honey to taste and pour on glasses.

A ginger-lemon drink



In the pot, pour filtered water, put on the fire and wait for the liquid to boil. In the meantime, rinse the lemon, wipe it dry and cut into thin slices. The root of ginger is cleaned and grinded on the smallest grater. Now carefully put the prepared citrus slices, ginger, fresh mint leaves and dry green tea into the boiling water. We give the lemon drink a little to boil, and then turn off the gas, remove the dishes from the plate and throw all the spices. Cover the pan with a lid and insist the contents until they cool down completely. After that, we pour the drink into the bottle and store it for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator. We serve it with ice cubes, pouring on transparent high glasses.