Fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy

Fetal development at 19 weeks

19 week of pregnancy corresponds to the fifth month of pregnancy. During this period, many systems of the baby's organs begin to finish their formation and start working. Intensively formed bronchial tree, begin to function urinary, immune, hematopoietic system. A special lubricant is actively produced, brown fat is deposited.

The future baby begins to show all the emotions inherent in the baby. Handles and legs of the fetus at 19 weeks are already proportional, the movements are more coordinated. During this period, the brain of the unborn child and the nervous system as a whole are actively formed, therefore, the influence of unfavorable factors should be avoided. The weight of the future baby at 19 weeks of pregnancy is 300 grams, and the height is about 25 cm.

Fetal movement at week 19

At 19 weeks of pregnancy, future mothers can feel the fetus moving . Repeated women can feel the stir earlier, because they are familiar with this sensation and can recognize it. Since the 19th week of the movement of the future baby are increasing. Now they are felt not only by a pregnant woman, but also by others, with a hand to her stomach. By the date of the first stirring of the fetus, the date of birth is determined, so it is important to remember it.

Palpitation of the fetus at week 19

Palpitation of a future baby at week 19 is rarely possible to hear, but can be determined during ultrasound. The heartbeat of the fetus at 19 weeks is 140-160 beats per minute and almost does not change until delivery. Normally, the baby's future is determined by rhythmic tones. The heartbeat of the fetus is affected by factors affecting the pregnant woman, such as excitement, cold.

Fetal position at week 19

The position of the fetus at this time has not yet been finally established. If the future baby does not lie with his head down, then he still has a lot of time to change his position.