Chorion abruption

Chorion is the outer shell of the fetal egg, which is responsible for the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the baby in the womb from the mother's body. After the first trimester of pregnancy, the chorion becomes a placenta, which takes on all the above functions. Accordingly, the normal condition of the placenta and chorion is the main condition for the full development and growth of the fetus. Chorion detachment in this case is a direct threat of miscarriage and requires prompt medical attention.

Causes of chorion detachment

The following factors can provoke the chorion detachment:

Types of chorion exfoliation

The abruption of the chorion and placenta can be partial, central and complete. In the first case, the dimensions of the chorion detachment are insignificant - as a rule, in the center or on the edge. Central detachment is characterized by the accumulation of blood between the wall of the uterus and the placenta (chorion).

The most dangerous is the total detachment of the chorion, which is not amenable to treatment. And if in the late pregnancy period with detachment of the placenta, physicians will try to save the fetus, then in the first trimester the result is always the same - a miscarriage. It is not only senseless, but also dangerous for the mother's life, to keep the pregnancy with complete detachment of the chorion, since such a pathology can cause internal bleeding.

Treatment of chorion detachment

Whatever the reasons for the detachment of the chorion, there is no such treatment and effective methods of influence. It should be noted that partial detachment in the early stages does not necessarily result in miscarriage - as a rule, pregnancy can be maintained.

If the cause of chorion exfoliation is the tone of the uterus, then a course of drugs-tocolytics is prescribed. With abundant bloody discharge, the doctor prescribes hemostatic drugs, and with a deficiency of progesterone - as a rule, Utrozestan . In any case, a woman must strictly to comply with bed rest, avoid any physical exertion and refuse for some time from sexual life.

Symptoms of chorion detachment

Detecting chorionic detachment is possible by the following features: