How correctly to consider the wiggling of the fetus?

The calculation of fetal movements is one of the ways to control the course of pregnancy and timely diagnosis of possible pathologies . Many people do not understand why take the fetus to move, because modern methods of examination allow you to quickly get the necessary information about the state of the child in the womb. But the fact is that the analysis conducted in a medical institution shows the fetus's condition only in a certain period, whereas the independent counting that a woman performs over a certain period of time provides a more accurate picture.

Method of counting

If your doctor advises you to monitor the activity of the baby, you need to know how to correctly consider the movements of the fetus. It's not a secret that every organism is individual, which means that the activity of your baby may not coincide with the standard norms.

A specific test for wiggling the fetus , and in other words, how to count jerks, kicks and turning your baby, will be recommended by your doctor. As a rule, the most optimal period for counting is the time from 9 am to 10 pm. It is for this period that the peak of fetal activity most often occurs.

Since the baby can move for several hours, and then quiet down for a while, it is better to consider not a single movement, but episodes. In other words, you need to mark the beginning of activity. The norm is 10-12 such episodes per day.

Some features of the calculation of the perturbations

If your indicators are less or significantly more than normal, it is worthwhile to see a doctor. Insufficient or hyperactivity may be a sign of developmental pathologies or oxygen deficiency. It should be noted that the intensity of fetal movement depends on several factors, among which: