Meningitis in children

One word "meningitis" introduces parents into fright. The disease is really very serious, especially for children, as it can lead to death. However, timely recognition and access to a doctor gives a chance for a successful outcome of the disease. That is why it is important for parents to know how to detect meningitis.

How do meningitis get infected?

Meningitis is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. The causative agent of the disease can be viruses, bacteria, fungi. The disease begins when the pathogen enters the cavity of the skull. Most often, meningitis is transmitted by airborne droplets, through the blood, although infection through everyday objects is possible. Inflammation can also begin with brain trauma.

Usually, the pathogens in children are pneumococcus, hemophilic rod type B and meningococcus. Most often, microorganisms enter the meninges, multiplying first in the nasopharynx, then getting blood.

There are primary and secondary forms of meningitis. When primary meningitis occurs as an independent disease. With the secondary form of the disease develops as a complication in the already existing disease: sinusitis, purulent otitis, measles, rubella, chicken pox, mumps.

How to determine meningitis?

The disease begins as a common cold or flu: the temperature rises, the child's state of health worsens. The baby becomes sluggish, sleepy, irritable. The first sign of meningitis in children is also the bursting headache, the cause of which is irritation of the meninges. Also, vomiting occurs due to intracranial pressure. Epileptic seizures are frequent, as well as confusion. Specific symptoms of meningitis in the child include stiffness of the muscles of the extremities and neck. Patients with meningitis can not tolerate bright light, loud sounds and touch to the skin. In addition, when the temperature rises in a sick child, there may be a rash all over the body. If any of these symptoms occur, call a doctor or an ambulance immediately. Diagnosis of meningitis in the laboratory is possible due to puncture of cerebrospinal fluid.

Consequences of meningitis in children

Meningitis is terrible for its complications, including acute adrenal insufficiency, infectious-toxic shock and cerebral edema. It is these consequences that most often lead meningitis to death. Also possible are such conditions as paralysis, seizures, hearing loss, developing after the cure of meningitis.

Treatment of meningitis in children

Due to threats of dangerous consequences, a sick child needs hospitalization under the supervision of a pediatrician, a neurologist and an infectious disease specialist. Selecting drugs in accordance with the pathogen. Viral meningitis passes by itself and does not require treatment. In the treatment of bacterial meningitis, antibiotics of the penicillin series are prescribed: flemoxin, benzylpenicillin, amoxyl. Therapy also includes measures to reduce intracranial pressure. Drugs are needed to restore the functions of the affected vessels and nerve cells, for example, nootropil and piracetam. Remove inflammatory processes will help such drugs as kenalog, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone.

Prevention of meningitis in children

In order to prevent young children, they are vaccinated against meningitis. There are vaccines that prevent both viral and bacterial meningitis.