Bruxism in children

In this article, we will consider the phenomenon faced by many parents - the grinding of teeth (bruxism) in children. We will talk about nighttime bruxism, its treatment in children, the causes of the onset and methods of prevention.

Bruxism in children: causes

The first sign of nocturnal bruxism in children is the appearance of strange snapping or creaking-rasping sounds that the child emits in a dream. The cause of this is an involuntary contraction of the muscles supporting the jaw (chewing). In addition, patients suffering from bruxism, there is a marked change in the frequency of heart rhythm, respiration and blood pressure. According to medical statistics, attacks of nocturnal bruxism affect about 50% of all children under the age of 16. Observe the sleeping child - if the bouts of bruxism are not too frequent and their duration does not exceed 7-10 seconds - you should not worry. If the crumb grinds the teeth constantly and for a long time - it can affect the development of the jaw, provoking violations of bite and even crumbling teeth. In addition, frequent seizures interfere with sleep, and the baby can not fully rest. Some sources indicate that nighttime bruxism can be a sign of sleep disorders of the child or helminthic invasion, although there is no reliable evidence of the latter. In patients with epilepsy, bruxism often indicates an approaching illness. Another possible cause for the development of bruxism is called periodontal disease (inflammation of the gums), nervous overexertion or an unfavorable emotional atmosphere in the environment of the child.

Bruxism: treatment with folk remedies and methods of classical medicine

Many parents underestimate the danger of consequences of bruxism and do not even think how to treat this phenomenon. Meanwhile, if you find bruxism in a child, do not hesitate.

The very first thing parents should do when they notice bruxism in a child is to go to the dentist (to identify the already developed violations of jaw growth) and the neurologist (to find out if everything is in order with the baby's nervous system). If there are no obvious disorders, you should try to exclude the possibility of nervous overexertion or exhaustion of the child - to organize the correct regime of the day, to provide adequate nutrition, to avoid excessive emotional stress (especially in the afternoon). It is advisable that the last meal be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.

To protect teeth from exercise, the dentist can recommend you use special kapy or tires for teeth.

According to folk medicine, bruxism can be cured with herbal teas - chamomile, lavender, with the addition of decoction of cones of pine or cedar. You can use other herbs that have a soothing effect - balm, mint, hyssop, lime color. From the diet, crumbs should be excluded (or at least to the maximum limit the amount): sugar, refined foods, fast food, soft sweets. But the amount of raw solid vegetables and fruits should be increased - let the kid often chews apples, carrots, hard pears, radishes. This will not only reduce the risk of developing periodontal disease, but will also have a beneficial effect on the overall health of the baby.