Pregnancy and braces

Many people have a curvature of the occlusion. Orthodontists say that if this is not combated, then such a violation will lead to crumbling and faster wear of the teeth. Often women are thinking about putting braces during pregnancy. The reason for this is the emergence of free time, and in this situation, a woman is less in public places, where they can pay attention to her braces. This method of treatment helps to correct the curvature of teeth and their location, in terms of it can last from 6 to 12 months.

Is it possible to put braces pregnant?

On the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to wear braces, for a long time there was a negative answer and a number of contraindications. However, lately opinions have been divided. This is due to the fact that new technologies and materials have appeared that significantly simplify and shorten the terms of treatment. And also adherents of the version of carrying brackets by pregnant women assert that if to carry out special procedures by calcined preparations and at the same time to have a completely balanced diet, the teeth will not get injured. But more experienced ortodonts warn that it is better not to combine pregnancy and braces. Since during the treatment period, in the places where the teeth are moved, there are some changes in the structure of bone tissue. In order to align the bite and move the teeth, the bone is prepared, "softens", and in pregnant women, and so the composition of these tissues changes, from the mother's body the baby withdraws part of the calcium, and moreover the entire process is accompanied by hormonal changes. In this case, the woman must assess the risk to which she will subject her body, and together with the aligned bite can earn spoiled teeth. But, if the decision was made to straighten the teeth during this period, then you need to know that before the installation of braces you need to completely cure the oral cavity and all the diseased teeth that should be done before pregnancy.