Retrochorrial hematoma in pregnancy - consequences

Such a phenomenon as a retrochoric hematoma can have negative consequences, both for the pregnant woman herself and her baby.

By this term in medicine it is customary to understand the accumulation of blood clots in space directly between the uterine wall and the fetal egg. The occurrence of such a violation is possible only in the first trimester of pregnancy, until the formation of the placenta. After this, the hematoma that has arisen in this place will already be called retroplacental.

Because of what this violation is formed?

Before we go directly to the consequences that are negative for the child, we will tell why in the course of pregnancy a retrochoric hematoma can form.

In most cases, blood clots are the result of a threat of termination of pregnancy. However, the hematoma can also be the result of a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels directly by the chorionic plates during the growth of the chorion itself.

What is the danger of retrochorional hematoma during the baby's bearing?

Unfavorable predictions doctors give in those cases when the size of the hematoma reaches in the volume of 60 cm3 sup3, and also when its area occupies more than 40% of the size of the fetal egg.

If we talk directly about the consequences of retrochoric hematoma that occurred during pregnancy, it is, above all:

From the above, we can conclude that, if the pregnancy is favorable, and if the hematoma does not increase in volume, the child will be born, but the pathology is likely to develop. Typically, among those can be called a violation of mental development, speech impairment, which is not uncommon with extensive hematoma. However, with a small size of the hematoma, its independent resorption occurs.