14 week of pregnancy - how the fetus develops, and what does mom feel?

Short gestation periods are accompanied by numerous changes in the maternal organism. Every day a woman notices the appearance of new sensations. When the 14th week of pregnancy comes, the sex of the unborn child becomes known to many.

14 weeks of pregnancy - this is how many months?

All calculations regarding the duration of gestation doctors produce in weeks. The number of pregnancies passed from the onset of pregnancy is reported to the expectant mother at the next visit of the doctor. It should be noted that gynecologists in the calculation of this kind for the starting point take the first day of the last, observed before the beginning of gestation, menstruation. Obtained in this way the duration of pregnancy is called the obstetric term.

In some cases, women in the state want to translate the number of obstetric weeks in months. This is easy, but you need to know certain rules of translation. Gynecologists for the simplicity and speed of mathematical calculations conditionally take a month equal to 4 weeks, the number of days in it is 30, regardless of how many are in the current calendar month. The result is: 14 weeks of pregnancy - 3 months and 2 weeks. The second trimester of pregnancy has already begun.

14th week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby?

At 14 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is almost completely formed, but the internal organs continue their development. The cerebral cortex grows at a fast pace, the number of nerve cells increases, and neuronal bonds arise between them. The liver is activated, which actively synthesizes bile. In the spleen there are processes of hematopoiesis, and in the intestine begins production of meconium - the original feces, which will accumulate during the entire gestation period and will depart only after the birth of the baby.

There are changes in the digestive system. The pancreas produces enzymes that break down incoming substances to simple compounds. The respiratory system begins training - the fetus makes respiratory movements due to the diaphragm. This helps to strengthen the muscular apparatus, preparing the respiratory organs for the first inhalation.

14 weeks of pregnancy - fetal size

Parallel to the development of internal organs, the size of the fetus increases at 14 weeks of gestation. By this time, the length of his body from the top to the heel is 9 cm. This value is average, there are kids and much larger. Growth is an anthropometric indicator, which is due to heredity: high parents have children with a growth above the average and vice versa.

No less important is the body weight of the fetus. This indicator is determined by the rate of metabolic processes in the body crumbs. On average, the weight of the fetus, when the 14th week of pregnancy begins, reaches 45-50. It should be noted that the weight of the future baby depends in part on the characteristics of the pregnant woman's diet: with a high content of carbohydrates, fats, the weight of the newborn will be above average.

14 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development

At the gestation period of 14 weeks, development of the fetus involves the improvement of its nervous system. Approximately at this time there is a sharp increase in the motor activity of the future baby. Activation of the first reflexes takes place: when you perform ultrasound, you can see a child sucking a finger. There are individual skills - the baby starts to clench the fists, yawns.

Doctors say that at this time, babies are able to recognize the taste and smell of food that mom eats. The development of vocal cords and respiratory tract ends, but the first sounds of a crumb will start to be released only after birth. There is a development of facial muscles, with the help of which the baby at a later date will begin to express his attitude towards what is happening (squint, blink, curl).

What does the fetus look like at the 14th week of pregnancy?

The fetus at 14 weeks of gestation is absolutely different from a newborn baby. The entire surface of his body is covered with a thin fluff - lanugo, and the skin itself is red and many fine wrinkles. As the baby grows, they will be smoothed out. There are changes in the facial part of the skull. Eyes cover the eyelids, they are still closed, but the distance between them increases. Appear rudiments of the eyebrows, nose, cheeks. The neck of the baby becomes expressive.

Twitches at the 14th week of pregnancy

The child at the 14th week of pregnancy already exhibits motor activity, but his movements do not have coordination, low strength and amplitude. In this regard, the woman still does not notice the movements made by the future baby. The first tactile connection between the future mother and baby occurs closer to the 20th week of pregnancy. Women who have a second baby can notice the movements a little earlier - about 18 weeks gestation. However, even at such a time of stirring, they are so weak that not all pregnant women manage to recognize them.

14 weeks of pregnancy - what happens to my mother?

Telling, with what changes 14 weeks of pregnancy are accompanied, what occurs in the organism of the future mother, it is necessary to distinguish the change of the hormonal background. The concentration of progesterone in pregnancy increases dramatically, which is reflected in the appearance of the pregnant woman. So, on the surface of her stomach appears a dark stripe, going from the navel to the lap joint.

A change in pigmentation is also observed in the area of ​​the areola of the breast: the okolosoic region becomes dark brown, and the nipple itself slightly increases in volume. This area becomes more sensitive - a casual, light touch to the chest can cause tingling and discomfort. The gland itself increases somewhat in volume, it becomes larger, one hundred causes a woman to reconsider the size of the bra.

14th week of pregnancy - sensation of a woman

At the gestation period of 14 weeks, the development of the fetus and the sensation of a future mother are associated with the rapid growth of the uterus and baby. This leads to the fact that the bending of the spine begins to change gradually. As a result of such changes, women record the appearance of painful sensations in the lumbar region. To promote their appearance can be a high heel on the shoe, so doctors advise to abandon such shoes.

However, there are also good changes in the state of health of a pregnant woman. For many women who experience prolonged nausea and vomiting, the 14th week of pregnancy becomes in the meantime when such discomfort disappears completely. Manifestations of toxicosis, which are more than one month pregnant women, by this time remain in the past. In general, the second trimester of pregnancy is a calm period when a woman has the opportunity to enjoy the gestation process.

Belly 14 weeks pregnant

The uterus at the 14th week of pregnancy is normally set approximately in the middle between the pubic articulation and the navel. When assessing the process of gestation, obstetricians pay attention to the height of the standing of the uterine fundus, which at this time should be 14 cm (the distance from the edge of the pubic joint to the bottom of the uterus). Such changes can not but affect the size and shape of the abdomen - immediately at this time it becomes noticeable to others.

The growth of the abdomen is noted in the lower part. Moreover, in thin women it is more noticeable than in dense women. Gradually, as the fetus grows, the volume of the uterus increases, the bottom of which tends upwards, gradually reaching the diaphragm. Meanwhile, the bottom of the uterus is not high, but already at this time the woman can note the pressure of the uterus on the nearby pelvic organs - constipation becomes a frequent phenomenon.

Allocations at 14 weeks of gestation

Vaginal discharge in fourteen weeks of pregnancy does not change its nature. They are ungovernable, transparent or white in color, without foreign impurities and inclusions. The consistency of them in some pregnant women can vary, which is associated with a gradual decrease in the concentration of progesterone . The maximum level of this hormone in the blood is observed in the first trimester, when the implantation is of particular importance for the gestation process.

The change in concentration, volume, color, nature of vaginal discharge during pregnancy can indicate problems in the reproductive system. A frequent disease in women who are preparing to become a mother is thrush . This pathology is accompanied by increased growth of Candida fungus, which is present in the microflora of the vagina of each woman. In connection with the change in the acidity of the vagina during pregnancy, favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of this fungus. Pregnant women notice white curdled discharge from the genital tract, accompanied by itching, burning.

Pain at the 14th week of pregnancy

As noted above, the second trimester of pregnancy is the most stable and calm period of gestation. The likelihood of complications is low, but it can not be completely excluded. About possible violations of the gestation process can be said painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Strong, sharp pains, similar to contractions, can be a sign of abortion. In most cases, they are accompanied by the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina, which is the reason for emergency hospitalization of a pregnant woman.

Drawing the same, minor and rare abdominal pains on short terms are caused by stretching the ligaments of the small pelvis and increasing the size of the uterus. At the same time pains are not everyday, arise periodically, do not grow with time. The duration of a painful attack is not high. Often there may be soreness in the lumbar region, which is due to the increasing strain on the spine.

14 weeks of pregnancy - ultrasound

Term of 14 weeks of pregnancy is not an appropriate time for ultrasound. Most often this study is scheduled for the 12th week . However, if you later register for pregnancy, a woman can pass it even now. When performing ultrasound, doctors pay attention to the main indicators of the fetal physical development, the peculiarities of the structure of its internal organs. Already at such a time, it is possible to detect existing disorders and pathologies of development. Early diagnosis of congenital diseases allows them to correct them, prevent progression.

Dangers at the 14th week of pregnancy

The most dangerous complication of this period is the fading of the fetus . At its development the kid on 14 week of pregnancy ceases to submit signs of a life. At examination with the help of ultrasound cardiac contractions are not audible, the fetus itself does not show motor activity. The only way out of the situation is abortion with the subsequent curettage of the uterine cavity. Among other hazards, 14 weeks of pregnancy and the second trimester in general: