10 months to the child - what can the baby boast of, and how to develop crumbs?

Every month in the life of a baby up to a year is a peculiar stage of growing up. He grows very quickly, develops, and when he turns 10 months old, he already knows a lot. Parents closely monitor the state of the offspring, controlling its physical parameters and mental development, rejoice together with the baby new achievements and try to fill the missing gaps in education.

Height and weight in 10 months

In the first six months of life, the baby develops actively, adding on average 600-900 g and 2-3 cm for each month. Then the pace slows down because of the increased energy of the child. All individually, but you can come to common parameters. There are norms according to which parents and pediatricians determine whether there are any deviations in the development of the baby. For a given age, the indicators are defined, the excess or decrease of which should be alarmed. According to them:

  1. The average weight of a child in 10 months is 7.9-11 kg.
  2. The average height of a child at 10 months is 68-79 cm for boys, 66-78 for girls. Accuracy - plus or minus 3 cm.

Nutrition of the child in 10 months

Parents of the growing-up kid try to give him full-fledged care, emphasizing attention to proper nutrition according to age. The introduction of complementary foods by this time is completed. The baby's diet is varied in 10 months, the day meals are completely replaced by the usual products: soups, fish and meat dishes, desserts, etc. are introduced. Food is preferable to steamed, boiled or stewed, so it retains all the vitamins. The child is transferred to a common table, and if possible, the mother feeds him (not more than 1/4 of the daily volume) with breast milk or mixtures.

Breastfeeding at 10 months

Feeding the baby at 10 months means taking breast milk. According to the diet, the baby sucks in the chest before going to bed and receives the necessary dose of milk immediately after awakening. Such morning feeding is not a full breakfast, after a while follows porridge or other products from the general diet. Instead of milk - if the mother has finished feeding, or the baby is artificial - you can give kefir or an adapted mixture. In 10 months, the child suffers from 2 to 6 attachments to the chest.

Feeding in 10 months

The main lure for the ten-month age has already been introduced, and new products appear from the general table in the baby's menu. These are vegetable and dairy foods, gluten-free cereals , meat and fish, etc. Consistency does not have to be liquid, especially if the first incisors are at this point. What to feed a child in 10 months, when his teeth began to erupt? Suitable fresh fruit: pears, apples, plums, banana. In addition, in 9-10 months, such lure is introduced, as:

Child's menu in 10 months

Children react differently to the introduction of new products into the diet, especially small allergies. Therefore, the menu at 10 months for all differs, but it is extensive, includes a variety of food. The diet includes about 5 meals, breaks between which are up to 4 hours:

  1. Early breakfast.
  2. Breakfast.
  3. Dinner.
  4. Afternoon snack (first dinner).
  5. Dinner.

When 10 months are performed by a child, on average for one day he eats from 1 to 1.5 kg of food. The volume of each serving is 200-250 g. But depending on the products, their daily norm is different.

A sample menu at 10 months is as follows:

  1. Vegetables, mashed potatoes - 200-250 g.
  2. Kasha - 200 g.
  3. Sour-milk - 200-220.
  4. Fruit puree - 100-110 g.
  5. Yolk - 1 pc. (1-2 times a week).
  6. Meat - 80 g.
  7. Juices - 60-70 ml.
  8. Fish - 50 g.
  9. Cottage cheese - 50 g.
  10. Dry bread, white bread, cookies - 10 g.
  11. Butter, vegetable oil - 5-6 g.

Child's regimen in 10 months

Observing the rules of caring for the baby, parents try to introduce an optimal daily routine - sleep and rest, food, walks and daily hygiene procedures. The regime helps to live in harmony and fully sleep even with a small child in the house. How much does the baby sleep in 10 months? In the afternoon, as a rule, this is a two-time rest lasting about 60 minutes:

  1. Under the condition of early recovery (6-7: 30), daytime sleep will be 11-12 hours.
  2. After lunch - the second rest, about 15: 00-16: 30.
  3. At night the crumb sleeps from 8 to 12 hours.

The recommended daily routine includes the alternation of the period of sleep and wakefulness. Morning time of the baby immediately after awakening is occupied by breakfast, games, walks. After the second snack, you should rest, and then - again, mobile and developing games, stay in the fresh air, gymnastics, massage. It is not necessary to put the child to sleep immediately after dinner, you can wait an hour or two, doing some quiet things, for example, reading developing books with the child. After a rest - again a meal (the first supper), games and walks, snack, bathing and retirement.

Child development in 10 months

The kid at 10 months already knows and understands a lot. He grew up in physical terms: he learned to coordinate his movements and continues to develop fine motor skills, quickly crawls, and some babies begin to walk independently. In emotional terms, such a child is already a person. Children become participants in communication with their parents, understand the phrases spoken to them, gladly fulfill requests and react negatively to unpleasant actions (for example, cutting their nails). These skills must have a baby 10 months, the development of boys and girls may differ:

  1. Girls are more likely to engage in monotonous activities and outstrip their peers of the opposite sex: they quickly learn the pot , use a spoon, the first words.
  2. Boys are obstinate, seek independence, so they can start walking early. Perseverance often lacks.

What can a child do in 10 months?

Often, moms and dads ask themselves: what should a baby be able to do in 10 months? The main skills that are being mastered by this time relate to physical development. Coordination of movement is developed, if there are no deviations.

Children should be able to:

How to develop a child in 10 months?

Emotional and physical development of children completely lie on the shoulders of parents. They need to know how to develop a baby in 10 months to instill in him the necessary skills and knowledge.

Observance of simple rules will help the child grow up harmoniously:

  1. It is necessary to equip a child for movement, to move safely around the apartment, to explore the world.
  2. It is necessary to introduce norms of behavior in the house and reasonable prohibitions.
  3. In the child's room there must be a place where he could put his toys.
  4. Gymnastic exercises help the baby to learn how to walk faster. During the walk, it is worth releasing him from the stroller, holding hands to help him step over.
  5. It is very important to communicate on any topic to strengthen the vocabulary of the baby.
  6. Reading should be given at least a little time every day.
  7. Useful music and dancing, games for the development of fine motor skills, joint activities and other activities.

Toys for children in 10 months

The growing up kid is interested in finding out the world around him. He can do this with the help of objects that are always at hand. It is useful to let a child:

It's good when there are interesting educational toys at home. With pleasure, a 10-month-old child deals with such items as:

Games for children in 10 months

At the age of 10 months the baby is able to occupy himself, he is briefly carried away by toys, rattles. It is useful to leave a crumb of one (but under supervision). However, for purposeful development the child needs games with parents. With the support of an adult, children are able to assemble the pyramid, cope with the sorter, put the doll to sleep, covered with a blanket. Developing games for kids 10 months are divided into motor, speech, aimed at sensory development and interaction. For example, it's such activities as:

10 months old child - a great age, when parents feel the joy of communicating with a grown up baby. This is a difficult but interesting period in which it is important to lay down the skills of interaction with the outside world. Very soon the baby will learn to walk , and it is necessary to prepare him for this, developing coordination of movements, doing gymnastic exercises. Correct actions of parents are the key to the child's success and health.