Wedding signs for the bride

Well, the wedding itself is too troublesome event - you can not keep track of everything. What are the signs, when the groom and the future witness entered the protracted spin of a bachelor party, the dress does not fit, and in Tunis, where the honeymoon was planned , the rains began. Stop, it's time to stop for a while and look around, do you do everything right, follow the plan, so to speak. If yes, it is possible after all to disregard some of the old customs that modern couples have not paid attention to for a long time.

Signs for the wedding

First of all, let's look at the very date of the celebration. If everything is correct, then this is clearly not the month of May, as it has long been known that marriage is a prisoner at this time, it will make both suffer. It is an interesting fact that any matchmaking on the holy Apostle Jacob (May 13) should be stopped, since such an ill-considered act was considered a strong insult to the bride's family - the magic of numbers, you know. Noisy celebrations are not planned for large church holidays and for the time of all four posts. The ideal option is an odd day, which falls on a Saturday or Sunday, although lately, Friday is also a wedding day.

We have 2014 ahead of us - the year of the horse. Many are wondering whether this year is favorable for creating a family? So, we can say with confidence that if the choice of a partner in life is considered and the decision is taken in a balanced way, the family can be created in any year. But for those who can not decide in any way, the year of the horse is the most it is, since horses are not single animals. It is better for them to live in a herd or to exist in a pair.

Signs on the day of the wedding

A good sign is the rain on the day of the wedding or snow, when it comes to winter. If you want a joint life to be a full cup, plan the ceremony on the full moon. A lot will be associated with the satellite of our planet. Here is another - marriage with the growing moon to a stable and constant flow of financial capital into the family, which can not but rejoice! However, if you combine with the waning moon, all the misfortunes and tribulations will go away, but I do not know for how long.

Signs before the wedding

If you talk about the signs before the wedding, then think over your wardrobe in advance, because many important signs exist that relate to the outfits of the groom and the bride, or rather, their shoes. The bride must remember that no matter how hot, no sandals for the wedding ! Only shoes with a closed toe and a fifth - through an open toe leakage of happiness from home, but barefoot in general to barefoot living in marriage.

The groom shoes simply have to be dark or black, since light or gray shoes for the wedding to the poor health of the young. If you have already begun about the bridegrooms, then we do not advise you, dear ladies to choose their beloved butterfly for the wedding party, even if it is very to the point, because our ancestors believed - the groom in the butterfly will be a walking husband.

They say that the bride is more fond of the bride, she is advised to sew a lyastka in the wedding dress. Yes, and remember, you can not try on your wedding dress, not even to family members, even after the wedding! Another thing you need to know is one postulate, which says, the longer the bride's dress, the longer the married life that's why in some countries in the west it is customary to sew dresses with an incredibly long train.

Wedding superstitions

Signs and superstitions at the wedding are the same identity concepts, like a horse and harness or vinaigrette and olivier, all from one opera. To superstitions, however, it is possible to include those precautions that are intended to protect the bridegroom or bride, and maybe both. For example, when the bride leaves the house for the ceremony, she must wear a veil, which should protect the future family from the evil eye. Both brothers are required to wear English safety pins at the ceremony with a clasp. These pins need to be hidden, so that no one will find them. It is also done for protection from the evil eye.

The bride, according to the old custom, must wear something new for the wedding, something "strange" (except for veil, gloves and, naturally, underwear, stocking), something worn. Should make a pair of stitches on the hem of the dress or in another invisible place for the eyes, preferably with blue threads, which should protect it from the evil eye. This is not all the people's signs for the wedding, but we touched on the main points.

Well, even if your wedding is not soon, I wish you just to meet the wedding - a very good sign. Who says - to the wedding, who says that to great luck. It seems to me personally that to see a large company of people who are united by a huge common joy is already happiness.