Human Complexes

Any person has flaws. Someone treats them calmly, somebody tries to hide everything with all their strength, terribly ashamed of their alleged imperfection. Gradually this condition is exacerbated, and man develops complexes . Psychologists qualify them as a certain deviation from the norm, to a lesser or greater extent. In the latter case, the patient may even need serious treatment.

Psychology of complexes

Complexes manifest themselves in different ways. Sometimes they may not be noticeable at all, but as the progression progresses, the deviations will result in neuroses, obsessive states, depression, uncontrollable attacks of aggression, and so on. Therefore, in any case, human complexes are regarded as a negative factor.

The reasons for their appearance may be:

Kinds of complexes

The most common is an inferiority complex, because each of us has something that he does not like in himself and that he would like to correct or even remove. This may be some kind of character trait, and appearance, and social status, etc.

However, there are many other types of complexes, for example, the "antipode" of the above deviation is a complex of superiority. It manifests itself in an overestimated self-esteem, when a person is sure that he is a head taller than the rest in all respects, and therefore behaves appropriately - arrogantly, disdainfully, impudently. Other types:

  1. Complex of hostility and protection.
  2. Complex of guilt.
  3. Oedipus complex and the opposite complex of Electra .
  4. The Peter Pan complex in men and the Cinderella complex for women.
  5. Complex martyr (or victim), etc.
  6. You can enumerate for a long time.

Women's complexes

Psychological complexes of the beautiful half of humanity as a whole manifest themselves in the same way as all the others, but the level of emotionality will be higher. In addition, according to experts, women often suffer from an inferiority complex about their appearance and a set of setbacks in the relationship. And if in the first case deviations occur more often in adolescence and pass to the period of adolescence, in the latter case, on the contrary, they are more often acquired in adulthood - after an unsuccessful marriage, a novel.