Behavioral psychology of a person

Many people do not even suspect that it's easy to find out their true intentions and even their thoughts, for which you just need to be able to analyze your behavior. It is almost impossible to control this, because everything happens on a subconscious level. Behavior and human activity has long been studied in psychology, which allowed us to draw the right conclusions. Today, everyone can learn the basics of non-verbal behavior, which will allow better understanding of others.

How to understand the psychology of man by his behavior?

Scientists have established that the position of the body, facial expressions and gestures are the same for people in most cases, which allows us to understand human psychology. It is important to just learn how to decipher all these signals.

Psychology of human behavior in facial expressions and gestures:

  1. If the interlocutor is located well, then his body will be slightly tilted forward, his head slightly raised and his gaze straight.
  2. Negative moods will be attested by crossed arms, compressed lips, tight body and hard eye contact.
  3. When a person wants to protect himself and isolate himself from others, he unconsciously crosses his hands in front of him.
  4. Human behavioral psychology suggests that clenched hands can be a signal of aggression .
  5. If at the time of greeting a person takes one hand and puts the other on his shoulder, then he either assesses or tries to manipulate.
  6. When a person walks by, dropping his head at the same time is a signal that he is hiding something. Sometimes this behavior indicates its weakness.
  7. In most cases, raised eyebrows indicate that a person is currently experiencing discomfort. If he sharply reduced them - it is a symbol of tension or thoughtfulness.
  8. If the interlocutor crosses his legs, it means that he does not perceive what they say or resist the said.
  9. Swaying the legs can talk about the fuzzy position at the moment.
  10. When the interlocutor repeats gestures, then he trusts, and the conversation will have a positive direction. This trick should be used if you want to put your companion to your side.
  11. An asymmetric facial expression, for example, a smile on one side, often expresses a sneer.
  12. If a person avoids eye contact, then it's embarrassing, and he feels uncomfortable. Even people who deceive turn their eyes away.
  13. The interlocutor folded his hands in the lock and threw one leg to the other - this may indicate a critical mood of a person.