Role theory of personality

What do you say is imposed on you by society or are these thoughts yours only? Have you ever thought about this? After all, most people are daily forced to perform social functions that are attributed to their social status by others. In other words, such a person should be analyzed from the point of view of role theory.

Role theory of personality in sociology

The role is called the style of human behavior, chosen under the influence of both public and interpersonal relations . Each of us has a certain role and, regardless of personal characteristics, individual characteristics, a person must fulfill it, meeting the expectations of the surrounding world /

It should be noted that it is customary to distinguish:

Role conflicts in the role theory of personality

Proceeding from the fact that every day every day, let's say, puts on various social masks, at times, the emergence of such a concept as "role conflict" is possible. So, from a young man, both his parents and friends, expect a certain style of behavior. He, in turn, can not meet the needs of both parties due to the fact that the roles of his roles are different. Such conflict within a person during this life period can disappear after years. True, such a psychological conflict also occurs in adult people, which carries more destructive consequences (it is difficult for a family man and a man-family man to get on with the role of a strict boss).

Status-role theory of personality

A person has more than one number of statuses. This is because it consists of different organizations, communities, groups. So, you can be a doctor, a mother, a daughter, a mature person, etc. If you consider all these statuses as a single entity, they should be combined under the name of "status set". What you are doing, based on the existing statuses, what type of behavior you are taking is called fulfilling the role.