Structure of the breast

Since ancient times, the female breast has been considered a symbol of fertility and maternity, and this is a fully explicable phenomenon, which is due to the main purpose of the body - the production of milk and the feeding of a newborn baby.

Particular attention is paid to the mammary gland in modern society, but not only from the point of view of its basic function, but also in relation to aesthetic perception and sexual life. The last aspect of increased interest in the people of the opposite sex, we will miss, and talk about the features of the structure of the breast in women and its functions.

Structure of the breast

The mammary gland is one of the paired organs of the female reproductive system and is one of the secondary sexual characteristics. The organ is located on the front of the chest in the region of the third and seventh ribs. Its shape and size are strictly individual for each woman, however, the internal and histological structure of the breast is the same for all, including for men.

The main functional component of the breast structure of a woman is the alveolus, which is directly responsible for the production of milk. In its appearance, the alveolus resembles a vesicle inside which is lined with lactocytes - glandular cells, outside is surrounded by blood vessels and nerves supplying it.

The accumulation of alveoli in the amount of 30 to 80 pieces form lobules, which also form and form lobes. As a rule, there are about 20 segments in the structure of the female breast, located around the nipple. Thin layers of connective tissue are provided between the lobes and segments. Each share has its outlet duct, some of them merge into one and adjoin directly to the milk pore located in the nipple.

The nipple is a small convex protrusion, surrounded by an areola with a diameter of up to five centimeters. These parts of the breast have enhanced skin pigmentation. The nipple has a significant role in the process of feeding the baby.

For the shape and size of the female mammary gland is the ratio of connective and adipose tissue, which is also present in its structure. These proportions are quite variable, so depending on many factors, the appearance of the breast is subject to change. The parameters can depend on the age, hormonal background, physique, the number of previous births and pregnancies, and the duration of feeding.

Features of the development of the breast

Established the fact that the laying of an organ occurs in the process of intrauterine development . Initially, the type of breast structure is identical for both men and women. However, in connection with the complete regulation of all processes occurring in the breast with hormones, its growth in the strong half is inhibited, and in girls, after reaching a certain age, active development begins. More precisely, the mammary gland in women begins to develop intensively during puberty:

At the expiration of this period, the girl's breasts are fully formed and ready to fulfill their destiny.

Breast in pregnancy

Often, the changes occurring in the chest, first of all inform the future mother about her interesting situation. This is due to the high sensitivity of the mammary gland to the slightest changes in the hormonal background, which actually trigger the mechanism of preparation for milk production.

The mammary gland is a complex organ of the female reproductive system, having a heterogeneous structure, obliges every woman to be attentive to all changes taking place in it.