Lactation mastitis

The postpartum period is one of the most difficult and responsible moments in the life of every woman. In addition to increased psychological, emotional and physical exertion, a young mother may face a very unpleasant and dangerous complication during lactation , such as mastitis. Lactation mastitis is one of the most common diseases that women are prone to when lactating and stopping it, without fail, requires timely treatment. Lactational mastitis is characterized by mammary inflammation.

Acute lactational mastitis - forms and causes

The causative agents of the disease are various harmful bacteria (most often staphylococcus), which enter the mammary gland through cracks on the nipples or milk ducts. The contributing role in the appearance of inflammation is played by:

non-observance of hygiene rules; stagnation of milk with insufficient emptying of the breast;

Depending on the degree and nature of the lesions, three forms of lactational mastitis are distinguished.

  1. Serous mastitis. We can say, the first stage of lactational mastitis, it is characterized by such symptoms:
  • If measures are taken in time, serous lactational mastitis is carried out for several days, in cases when treatment has not followed - the inflammation passes into an infiltrative form. At the same time, painful sensations intensify, a dense infiltrate appears in the chest, the skin under which becomes red and hot.
  • In the worst case, the previous second form can pass into acute purulent lactation mastitis. This stage is a great threat to the health of not only the mother, but also the child. Breastfeeding with acute purulent lactation mastitis is strictly prohibited, and it is hardly possible because of the strong pain syndrome and general condition of a woman who is characterized by:
  • As a rule, treatment of lactation mastitis implies a course of antibacterial therapy, only with a purulent form, surgical intervention is applicable.