Than to lower temperature to nursing mum?

The period of breastfeeding is marked by a very careful attitude of the mother to her state of health. However, things do not always go smoothly, and the reason is not at all careless about their situation.

The body temperature of the nursing mother may increase due to the onset of such circumstances:

Increasing the temperature in a nursing mother often does not require weaning the baby from the breast. Modern counselors for breastfeeding and doctors even insist on its active continuation. After all, only with breast milk will the baby get all the antibodies that will help him fight the diseases. If at a temperature during lactation you also quit breastfeeding, then the risk of transmission of cold or flu in your child increases at times.

How to measure the temperature of a nursing mother?

An important role in determining the parameters of the mother's body temperature is the method of obtaining them. If we take into account that the tides of milk cause a natural increase in the axillary region, then measuring it is the way to obtain inaccurate information. Until the 40 days of feeding, doctors advise me to measure the temperature at the point of elbow bending. The normal temperature in the nursing mother ranges from 36.5 ° C to 37.2 ° C. It is worth noting that these data may fluctuate and be different throughout the day.

Than to lower temperature nursing mum?

Before you begin treatment of breastfeeding temperature, you should determine the exact reasons for its occurrence, assess the benefit-risk ratio for you and the baby and choose products that are exclusively for nursing. To knock down the temperature during lactation in a short time and with the complete absence of any negative consequences, candles containing Ibuprofen or Paracetamol will help. They do not penetrate into breast milk, but their effect is much weaker than that of tablets. Nursing temperature is often prescribed special children's antipyretic, which gently and harmlessly eliminate a few extra degrees. Also do not forget about cool compresses and wipes with a weak solution of vinegar. Do not resort to rubbing alcohol or containing it tinctures - it can lead to poisoning the weakened organism. About how and how to knock down the temperature of the grimacing mother, the body itself can also take care of itself, which begins to actively select the protective hormone interferon, which helps to defeat the beginning illness.

What to drink nursing at a temperature?

Abundant and frequent drinking is one of the safest methods of lowering the temperature. You need to drink a wide variety of juices, compotes from dried fruits, kissels and fruit drinks. Do not neglect the use of tea with lemon, milk with honey, raspberry or kalinovyj jam. Be sure to exclude the possibility of allergic reactions of the baby to these components.

Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for a small creature that has braced near your chest. Therefore, only a competent doctor, not relatives or yourself, can prescribe a medicine for fever during lactation. It is he who decides that it is possible to be lactating with temperature depending on the characteristics of the lactation period, individual indicators of the state of the mother and child and the causes of its occurrence.

In order to lower the temperature of the nursing mother, family members can help, giving the woman a full rest and an opportunity to relax.