Breast milk is not fatty

Most mothers, whose baby is constantly naughty and worried, make the assumption that perhaps their breast milk is not fat enough and the baby is undernourished. That's why they begin to torment themselves with questions: "Why their breast milk is not fat and how to make it fatter?".

Doctors say that if the baby is actively eating and there is an increase in weight, then the cause of anxiety of the infant should be sought in another. In this case, it is not necessary to increase the fat content of breast milk. Often the excess fat content of milk is the cause of the development of banal dysbiosis , which is often observed in infants. This is due to the lack of digestive enzymes.

How to determine the fat content of breast milk?

Many young mothers ask themselves the question: "How to determine the fat content of breast milk and what to do if it is lean?". As a rule, in order to determine the fat content, the expressed breast milk is subjected to various chemical analyzes. In this case, a simple pattern is observed: the smaller the volume of milk produced by the breast, the fatter it is.

How is breast milk made more fat?

Many mothers are just sure that almost all the foods they eat during the day are found in breast milk. Specialists have been shown that this belief is erroneous. This is explained by the fact that blood and lymph are directly involved in the synthesis of milk. That is why its composition in no way depends on the composition of the food that makes up the ration of the nursing mother.

Each mother is able to increase the fat content of the milk produced by her breasts. To do this, you just need to eat right. That's why doctors recommend young mothers to make a diet for every day. At the same time, half of it should consist of various cereals and fruits. It is very important that when the fat content of breast milk increases, the fat content in the products does not exceed 30%, and the proteins at the same time do not exceed 20%.

In the daily menu of a nursing mother , dairy products that are rich in calcium must be present. It is also found in greenery, beans, cabbage, rye, fish.

As a rule, mother's milk is ideal for the baby in composition. If a woman is sure that it is lean, she should first seek advice from a specialist and not take any independent action. Very fatty milk, on a par with lean, will not benefit the baby.