Hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers

In the first months of life, the newborn's body is still very weak, and any potentially aggressive substance can cause a strong reaction in the baby. And since the main meal of crumbs is mother's milk, there is always a danger that allergens can penetrate the child's body through this indispensable product. Therefore, in all maternity hospitals and children's polyclinics, mothers are advised to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet with breastfeeding.

Why limit yourself?

Every mom wants her baby to be healthy. But alas, the number of toddlers suffering from allergies is growing every year. Allergic reaction in infants can manifest itself in the form of redness of the skin and the formation of crusts, rash, itching, loose stools, in especially severe cases, edema of the respiratory tract may develop. Therefore, in the first months of the baby's life, the nursing mother should adhere to a hypoallergenic diet during lactation.

It is extremely important to observe dietary restrictions in the first three months after childbirth, then, as a rule, doctors allow gradually to diversify the hypoallergenic diet of the nursing mother, introducing a new product no more often than every two weeks and monitoring the reaction of the baby.

What is there and what to refuse?

Observing the hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers, adhere to the following rules:

  1. No exotics! Vegetables and fruits in the diet of the nursing mother should be local.
  2. No fried! Dishes cooked in steam or in the oven contain more vitamins, do not irritate the mother's gastrointestinal tract and do not cause a reaction in the baby.
  3. There is no monotony! Try to combine the allowed products and do not eat every day the same thing.

Hypoallergenic diet for lactating mothers completely excludes from the ration of a woman all high-allergenic foods:

In the event that the baby has no allergic manifestations, the following products can be included in the hypoallergenic menu for the nursing mother:

And, finally, the daily diet should include the following hypoallergenic products for a nursing mother: