How to treat apple trees in spring from pests?

To have a good harvest of apples , it is important not only to pick a good variety and properly plant seedlings, but also provide them with proper care. Protection of apple trees from pests is one of the important conditions, without observance of which all efforts simply will not go down.

All methods of pest control are divided into spring and autumn preventive. Autumn processing consists in proper cleaning of the garden to reduce the probability of pest reproduction, whereas spring protection methods are much more important.

Stages of spring spraying of apples against pests

The very first stage of processing the apple orchard is in March, when there is still no sap flow and formed kidneys. At this time, pruning the crown and cleaning the stem from the lichen. And for the destruction of wintering in the trunk of insects, spraying with chemical preparations (for example, contact preparation Actellik) or fresh urea solution and subsequent whitening is carried out. Also in the early spring, the processing of apple trees from pests with boiling water or fire is effective - so you physically destroy the pest larvae.

The second stage of processing apple trees is in April, when already on the branches buds formed. During this period, spraying is not done, so as not to interfere with insect pollinators. You can only manually remove pests and remove the weeds in the circumferential circle.

The third stage is performed at the end of flowering. You can safely spray trees with means from insects, devouring leaves and fruits (fruit moths, leaf rollers, etc.). For example, it could be Rovikurt or Benzophosphate. From caterpillars protect such drugs as Bithoxybacillin or Dendrobacillin. And if you find on the leaves of apple-trees the larvae of fruit mites, then be sure to perform treatment with sulfur preparations or Carbophos.

Traps from pests on apple trees

In addition to spraying, there are other options, as in the spring to treat apple trees from pests. These methods should be used in conjunction with the others, because they alone do not give a 100% guarantee of getting rid of insects.

The most common and simple types of traps, which can easily be made with your own hands - a hunter's belt and a sweet trap from a plastic bottle.

The bottle must be filled with sugar-containing and fermenting mixtures - sour jam, compote, beer. You need to fill about a third, not forgetting to cut out the windows in the upper third of the bottle. We hang bottles in the tree crown and wait for the catch. As a rule, apple traps, ants, cabbage and winter scoops, fruit leafworms, cherry flies and so on come across such traps.

The saddle belt is made as follows: at an altitude of 20-40 cm the barrel is wrapped in several layers of film, over which it is necessary to wind 2-3 turns of cloth moistened in a solidol. Periodically, the impregnation must be renewed. If there are many cracks in the bark, along which the ants will make their way up past the trap, they must first be covered with clay. In the hunting belt, there are such insects as ants, aphids, caterpillars, moths, goats, weevils and so on.