Kalatea lansifolia

Bright, eye-catching look of unusual color, the inhabitants of the rainforest kalatei fell in the heart of many growers, despite their very difficult nature. Today, let's talk about one of the types of these obstinate beauties - kalatee lansifolia.

Kalatea lansifolia - description

Kalatea lansifolia is also known under the name kalateya remarkable. Lansifolia leaves have an elongated narrow shape and undulating margins. The color of the leaves of lansifolia is as follows: a light green background along which the small and large oval spots of a dark green color alternate. The reverse side of the leaves is colored purple.

Care for kalateia lansifolia

Like other types of kalatei, lansifolii require a lot of time-consuming care. Lansifolia does not like drafts and direct sunlight, it reacts violently to the change of places. It is best to place a pot with it on the east or west window. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the temperature - it should not exceed +18 ... + 25 ° at any time of the year. Lansifolia also applies meticulously to watering, an overabundance and lack of which leads to the fact that the leaves of the plant wither. If you do not pay attention to it in time and do not adjust the watering, then capricious lansifolia will simply drop all leaves to a single one. Water for irrigation must necessarily be stationary and at room temperature, otherwise the leaves of the plant will become soft and may bend.

Land for the cultivation of kalatei lansifolii also need a special: two parts of leaf land should be mixed with one part of sand, peat and humus. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to put a drainage layer, and the pot itself is better to choose shallow, but wide enough.

With all the rules of care, no diseases and pests of kalatee lansifolia are not terrible, but with insufficient moisture it can be affected by spider mites and scutes.