Diet "Scaffold" - the menu

Today, this method of losing weight is very common, like a diet called "Lesenka", consisting of five steps. One step is one day, on which certain products are given. During this period, really throw off 6 pounds.

The diet menu "Lesenka"

The first day. Cleansing the body.

At this stage, there is a purification of the stomach, which prepares the body for a further process of losing weight. On the extent should be consumed only:

Activated carbon destroys slags, toxins, dangerous radicals. Fiber , pectin, and organic acids, which are found in the composition of apples, improve the condition and function of the intestines, perfectly break down the fat. Water removes from the body delayed waste of digestion.

Second day. Recovery.

After such an effective cleansing should be done to restore the intestinal microflora. Here the following products intended for the second step of the miracle diet "Lesenka" will help us:

Fermented milk products are an excellent assistant in the restoration of the microflora of the stomach, they increase the number of beneficial bacteria that are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestine.

The third day. Energy.

At this stage of weight loss, we fill our body with energy, the source of which will be fructose and glucose. Throughout the day you can eat:

The liver, heart and joints will receive the necessary trace elements, substances and antioxidants, which are very rich in dried fruits , honey and raisins, and the brain will be saturated with pure glucose, so you will feel a surge of strength and activity.

Day four. Building.

The basic building material of all muscles is protein, therefore, stepping on the fourth step, it is recommended to eat food rich in this substance:

Dietary poultry meat is quickly digested by the body, not being stored in fats, and easily digestible protein "builds" our muscles.

Day five. Burning fat.

The final day of the step-by-step "Lesenka" diet. We saturate the body with fiber, which improves the work of the stomach and "burns" fats. For the whole day, evenly distribute the following foods rich in this substance:

The benefits and harm of the diet "Lesenka"

This slimming program has enough pluses. Here are some of them:

The mode of this technique is quite free. You can eat at a time convenient for you that does not disturb your daily routine. The diet of the diet is quite diverse, containing all the most vital microelements, vitamins, carbohydrates, all kinds of protein. The menu includes foods rich in fiber and fiber. These substances restore the work of the intestine and normalize its peristalsis.

During all 5 days of the "Lesenka" diet, foods with abundant glucose content are eaten. This means that your body will be saturated with energy and the process of losing weight will pass easily and unnoticed, without causing irritation and stress, as happens with other diets.

However, keep in mind, this method of weight loss is categorically contraindicated for future mothers who are breastfeeding women and people suffering from serious diseases of the heart, stomach, liver and kidneys.