Diet "Beloved" for 7 days

Perhaps, in the gastronomy there are two categories of people. The first live in agreement with the phrase "there is food, there is no food." They do not care what exactly they eat, the main thing is that it is satisfying. Such people will be given any diet with difficulty, because: firstly, the diet implies a careful choice of food, and secondly, a decrease in calorie content and an eternally half-starved state.

The second category is gourmets. It is important for them that they eat what it looks like and what the taste of each individual piece is. The difficulty of losing weight on diets for this category is that most weight loss systems require a fairly monotonous menu - mono -diets , hard carbohydrate diets , etc.

In this case, we offer an option for the second category - a diet, which, we hope, will not have time to get bored.

It's about a favorite diet for 7 days.

Rules of the diet

7-day favorite diet involves 4 different mono-diets:

Products, as well as rely on mono-diets, can not be confused. To change the order presented below is also prohibited. The standard rules apply to food intake - 5-6 meals, more still water, minimum movement. Motor activity is not prohibited, but it is not recommended on any day of the diet - the power loads are not only ineffective, but also lead to increased appetite.

Day: 1, 3, 6

The diet of the drinking day of your favorite diet is simple - only liquid foods are consumed. Of course, not soda, packaged juices and not Coca-Cola, but useful and satisfying drinks and food .


If you are preparing freshly squeezed fruit juices - dilute them with water in a 1: 1 ratio to avoid excessive sugar intake. The broth should be freshly prepared (natural, not from the package), without salt.

Salt will retain fluid in the body, which will cause swelling. On this day, your caloric intake is especially low, so spare yourself from physical exertion, rest more and do not be surprised at dizziness.

Day: 2

The menu on the second day of the weekly diet is beloved is completely vegetarian. Vegetables can be cooked in the oven, cooked, stewed, steamed, eat raw. Daily calorie content is up to 1000 kcal, meals up to 6.


Store sauces, mayonnaise - are forbidden.

Day: 4

On this day you have the opportunity to eat up to 3 kg of fruit. The only ban is imposed on the sweetest fruits - bananas, figs, dates, grapes. The most useful fruit for a diet is traditionally, grapefruit. He - a famous fat burner, suppresses the appetite and saturates a lot of vitamins.

In addition to grapefruit, of course, you can eat any other fruit in any combination. Between meals, drink more water - this will reduce the feeling of hunger.

Day: 5

The long-awaited protein day! Many make a fatal mistake and eat up to the point that all the previous efforts are reduced to nothing.

Permitted by:

On the day there should be 5 meals with portions of very moderate size.

Day: 7

Exit from a diet is a combined day. The most common and acceptable option is to remember how useful you used to eat before a diet (soups, casseroles of meat and vegetable, stewed vegetables) and combine it with a vegetable and fruit day of the diet.

Your breakfast can consist of a hard-boiled egg and ½ grapefruit, the second breakfast - from 1 fruit. Lunch - vegetable soup, afternoon tea - 1 fruit. For dinner we prepare a vegetable salad, and before going to bed we drink a glass of kefir.