Diet with a sick liver

The liver is the most heroic human organ. It can regenerate from the ashes, like the phoenix (the liver is restored even with the loss of most cells), it works when the whole body is asleep (at night the liver is occupied with the detox of the body) and in general, its work is not jokingly dangerous, only poisons. If we could imagine the full picture in the colors of her "hepatic" life, we managed to adjust our diet to perfection. But, alas! To be content with a healthy diet is already on a diet with a sick liver.


Whatever the disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure) diet menu for a sick liver is made up of the following considerations:

Proceeding from this, the menu, of course, should be gentle (a large list of harmful and heavy products is excluded), the menu should be high-grade (increased amount of calories and protein), the menu should contain fiber (for bile secretion) and vitamins - to accelerate the recovery process.

In the end, a diet with a sick liver should be tasty, because the "liverwort" often disappears appetite, and now it is necessary to eat right now.


What diet is suitable for a sick liver, should determine the doctor. Because the degree and type of disease depends on a specific diet (which, believe me, there are many). However, in most cases, the list of prohibitions and permissions is similar, only the method of preparation and quantity vary.

Do not use the following products:


For patients with cirrhosis of the liver, diet no. 5A is prescribed. This is really a very strict diet. Meat - only boiled, lean and in the form of minced meat, fish - lean and boiled, cottage cheese - not sour, cheese - not spicy, vegetables only boiled and ground. The duration of such a diet is 4 to 6 weeks. Next, with a satisfactory condition, they transfer to a diet 5, which lasts for life. A pair of overturned wine glasses and a slice of fat pork - and you are already on a hospital bed with exacerbation.


As we have already said, food contrary to diet should be tasty. Otherwise, not only have, but also live perehochetsya, food is still one of the main sources of pleasure for a person. Therefore, it is important to find all of the above criteria that meet the dietary requirements for a sick liver. But one appetizing option and we can tell you.

Baked cod

This dish can be prepared for the patient during the period of remission.



Cleaned and gutted fish throw in boiling water for 3 minutes, no more! Take out, cool. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice, rub it with salt and spices. Grease the foil with olive oil. Allow onions in a pan without oil, adding onions, carrots (straws), greens. Fry the vegetables with vegetables and partially cover the surface with them. Fold in foil, bake in oven for 20 minutes at 200 ° C. Then allow to roast for another 10 minutes with the foil open.