Diet from acne on the face

Eruptions on the face often indicate various abnormalities in the functioning of the body. To get rid of such problems with the skin, an integrated approach is important, so you need not only use the drugs prescribed by a specialist, but also adhere to a diet against acne on the face, which is spoken by all dermatologists. Scientists have long established that nutrition is a sufficiently important factor affecting the appearance of rashes.

Diet for cleansing the skin of the face from acne

There are no special secrets, and the basis of such a diet is the principles of proper nutrition , thanks to which it will be possible not only to get rid of the problem that has arisen, but also to lose excess weight. First, you need to clean the body to remove accumulated slag and other harmful substances. Another point to emphasize is that acne is often a signal that there is an allergy to certain foods.

Diet from acne on the face determines the list of products that must be excluded from your own menu. They include: all kinds of sweets, pastries, smoked, fatty, spicy and grapes. You can not drink black tea, soda alcohol and coffee. It is also necessary to limit the number of eggs.

Principles of diet from acne and acne:

  1. The menu should not be monotonous, because the body must receive all the substances necessary for normal work.
  2. An obligatory condition is the use of the first dishes and fermented milk products.
  3. The main supports should be made for fresh vegetables and fruits , which contain important vitamins and minerals.
  4. It is equally important to maintain the water balance, so every day you need to drink at least 2 liters. It is important and the quality of the fluid used, so give preference to non-carbonated water, natural juices and green tea.
  5. The selected products are important to prepare correctly in order to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances. It is necessary to refrain from frying and cook foods for a couple or to extinguish them, or boil them.

To make it easier to make up your diet, consider an example of a skin diet for acne:

  1. Breakfast : boiled soft-boiled egg, vegetable salad and 1 tbsp. broth, prepared from bran.
  2. Snack : an apple or a pear.
  3. Lunch : soup, cooked on meat broth, with sour cream, and also mashed potatoes with a slice of stew and tea.
  4. Snack : homemade croutons and 1 tbsp. broth of dog rose.
  5. Dinner : a portion of buckwheat porridge and compote. Before going to bed, you can 1 tbsp. kefir.