Lasagna with tomatoes

Lasagna is a dish of Italian origin, popular in many countries of the world, the main component of which is the eponymous kind of special pasta of rectangular shape. Dough for lasagna is prepared from durum wheat. In the lasagne, layers of dough layers and fillings are intermixed.

The composition of the filling of lasagna can include crushed meat of various kinds, as well as minced meat, ham, tomatoes, various vegetables, mushrooms, greens and grated cheese. In the case of interlaying, various sauces are also used. Currently, lasagna is usually prepared from six layers of dough, a ready set of lasagna plates can be bought in the store or prepared independently from a simple unleavened dough (wheat flour + water).

Dough for lasagna


Mix the dough from the sifted flour on the water, roll it into layers 2-3 mm thick and cut the plates, focusing on the size of the baking dish (usually put 3 plates in one layer - it's more convenient to separate portions in a prepared dish). Immediately before the preparation of lasagna it is necessary to weld the plates to half-ready (no more than 7 minutes) and freely lay out on the board. Done? Now proceed.

Recipe of lasagna with tomatoes, minced meat and mushrooms



First, prepare the sauce. Save the flour in a dry frying pan until light rudeness. We mix with cream. Add dry ground spices and garlic. Wait 5-8 minutes and rub through the strainer to extract the particles of garlic. Normal density is like a liquid flowable sour cream.

Finely chopped onion fry in a pan, add minced meat and fry all together, turning the spatula. Reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. In the last 5 minutes, add chopped blanched tomatoes (that is, pour boiling water and peel, then grind) or tomato paste. Slightly greasy.

In another frying pan, chop finely chopped onions and add chopped mushrooms. Stew on low heat for 20 minutes. Cheese three on a grater. Greenery finely chopped.

We're collecting lasagna. Lubricate the form generously with melted butter and spread on the bottom in a row of 3 dough-cooked plates. Top with a layer of a mixture of minced meat and tomatoes. Then again a layer of dough plates. The next layer is onion-mushroom passerization. From above - the last layer of plates of the dough, on it - grated cheese and water-pour sauce.

Bake in the oven for 15-25 minutes at a temperature of about 180 degrees Celsius.

We cut the blade with lobster ready for servings (they should be 3), put them on plates and sprinkle with greens. We serve with light table wine.

Lasagne with ham, eggplant, chicken and tomatoes


Do the same as in the above recipe 3 layers (ie 9 plates).

Separately fry with onion and braise (pre-soaked) chopped eggplants, by the end add crushed tomatoes and garlic. In another frying pan fry with onion and stew small pieces of chicken fillet .

The first layer of the filling of lasagna is roasted chicken meat, the second one is aubergines with tomatoes, the third one is finely chopped ham and cheese. Do not forget about sauce and greens. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Wine is better to choose light, you can serve limoncello or grappa.