Chicken fillet in sour cream sauce

Chicken fillet, cooked in sour cream sauce , is remarkable for its juiciness and softness. The meat turns out surprisingly tasty and stunningly exquisite. Garnish is perfect for buckwheat boiled rice or potatoes.

Chicken fillet in sour cream sauce in a multivariate



Onions are cleaned and cut into rings. We turn on the multivark, select the "Baking" mode and put the crushed bulb into the bowl. The fillet is washed, dried and shredded in small cubes. Sprinkle the meat to taste seasoning and salt. Next, shift the chicken fillet into the bowl of the multivark, add black and red peppers, coriander, turmeric, a pinch of mustard powder and dry ginger, carefully mix everything and cover with a lid. After the ready signal, pour boiling water into the pan, put the sour cream, stir and let the mixture boil in the steam-cooking mode. Then select the "Quenching" program and start the timer for 1 hour. We serve the ready dish hot with buckwheat.

Chicken fillet in sour cream sauce with mushrooms



Chicken fillet washed, cut into small pieces, and fry on the oil until golden. Then carefully shift the meat into a cup. We clean the bulb, shred the semicircles, and cut the carrots with thin straws. Champignons are processed and minced with medium lobules. Now fry the onion in vegetable oil first, then spread the carrots and mushrooms.

Pass the vegetables for about 5 minutes on a weak fire, and then add to the roasting chicken and mix well. After that, add a glass of hot broth or water, reduce the heat and stew everything until ready. At the very end of the preparation we put the sour cream, sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley, and serve the dish on the table with any side dish.

Chicken fillet in sour cream sauce with garlic


For sauce:


First, let's prepare the sauce: add sour cream, squeezed and squeezed garlic, salt, pepper and mix into sour cream. Chicken fillet washed, dried and put into a roasting dish. Then completely fill the meat with the previously prepared sour cream sauce and sprinkle abundantly with grated cheese. Put the dish in a preheated oven and bake for about 45 minutes. That's all, chicken fillet in sour cream sauce with cheese is ready!

Chicken fillet in sour cream sauce in the oven


For sauce:


White chicken meat is carefully removed from the bone, cut into thin flat pieces, washed and dried. Then the chicken a bit salt, pepper and put in heat-resistant dishes. We turn on the oven in advance, so that she has time to warm up properly, and we are preparing the sauce for this time.

Garlic slices are peeled from the husks, squeezed through a press and put into a piano. Add the sour cream, pour out the soy sauce, put the nutmeg and squeeze out the juice from the lemon. Ready mix thoroughly mixed and pour the chicken fillet. Next, we send our chicken to the oven and bake for about 30 minutes. Serve chicken fillet with sour cream sauce hot with fried potatoes .