Cannes - planting and care

Cannes is not only a chic resort in the south of France, but also an equally effective decorative plant, which, of course, will become a real decoration of any garden site. This flower has a strong upright stalk, fairly large leaves and bright inflorescences, ranging in color from bright orange to various shades of red, yellow, pink and white. Cannes, like any other flowers, have their own characteristics of planting, cultivation and care, observance of which will give your garden an indescribable charm.

How to plant canna flowers?

The main way to reproduce this plant is to divide the massive rhizome into parts. However, in spring, before planting on a permanent place, canna should be grown. The most appropriate time for this process is March - the beginning of April. At room temperature, the rhizomes are immersed in moist peat or sawdust. After the buds begin to germinate, the rhizomes are divided, removing the diseased and withered areas. If the frost period has not yet ended, the cannels are planted in pots and kept in a roomy environment or in a heated greenhouse before the final warming occurs.

Since cannes need warmth and do not tolerate frosts at all, they can be planted on the open ground only when the earth is sufficiently warmed up. As a rule, this is possible in early June. Before planting, the soil should be well digged, add humus, compost, nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers to it. In order for the roots of the plant to be warm, dig holes deep about half a meter, at the bottom of which spread horse manure , and on top of the layer of soil mixed with fertilizer. Then the well is well moistened and the rhizomes of canna are planted to a depth of no more than 7 cm.

The place for planting heat-loving plants is to choose the most sunny and closed from the winds. In addition, cannes are quite tall and lush plants, so they need a sufficient area for growth. Planting several flowers in one area, they should be located at a distance of at least 60 cm from each other.

Less often the reproduction of cannabis is produced by seed method. Seeds are sown in February in the form of seedlings and in a month the first shoots should appear. In March, the seedlings need to be dived into small pots, and at the end of May they can be planted in the soil to a permanent place.

Cannes flowers - growing and grooming

Caring for canes in the garden is extremely simple. The flower needs periodic loosening of the soil, abundant watering, timely removal of weeds , and also in fertilizing. It is recommended to carry out fertilizing once a month with phosphorus fertilizers diluted in water.

In order that in winter the rhizome does not die, the plant must be excavated on time and sent for storage. As a rule, the excavation of cannons is carried out at the beginning of November, after which the stems are cut to a height of 20 cm, the roots are ground with an earthen lump and sent to storage box until spring. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum, the leaves dry out and the garden flowers of canna fall into rest. With the onset of spring, watering should be resumed and the plant again starts growing.

When cannes blossom?

As a rule, this ornamental plant begins to bloom approximately 1.5 months after planting. In favorable conditions, blossoms can be seen from July and until the first frost. And, if you want the cannes to please you with their flowering all season, do not forget to remove the faded brushes in time, along with a seed box that is beginning to develop, as well as dry or damaged leaves.