Fins for the pool

The wide spread of fins among fans of swimming pools is due to their ability to increase the effectiveness of exercise by increasing the load on the muscles of the legs, and hence, training endurance and strength. And this has a positive effect on both the swimming speed and the maximum possible swim time. In this article, we'll talk about how to choose the fins for the pool, and what their types are in general.

Basic types of fins

Despite the abundance of various models of fins in sports stores, they all belong to one of two types: long or short. The best swim fins for the pool are short. Their shape, material and length are designed taking into account the needs of the swimmer, that is, they provide the maximum load on certain muscle groups, and also help to master the basic techniques of swimming and avoid mistakes in the performance of movements. Every year the assortment of short fins for the pool is replenished with new, improved models. Conventional fins (rubber) for the pool are no worse than models from the newfangled high-tech material. Of course, quality equipment and accessories help improve the efficiency of training, but the primary responsibility for the result is on the shoulders of the athlete. If desired, you can successfully use the old models without special functions.

Long fins allow to develop high speed of swimming at energy costs, similar to those that are required when swimming with short fins. Such models are suitable for use in seas, lakes, rivers and any other types of open water bodies. Flippers for swimming are divided into two groups: length 55-70 cm (for diving to a shallow depth, swimming with a mask) and 80-95cm (for underwater hunting). Fins longer than 100 cm are rarely used - most often they are inconvenient because of the features of the bottom of the reservoir, the presence of algae and pitfalls.

Fins are also classified by the type of heel: open, flippers with a strap from behind, and closed.

How to choose training flippers?

When choosing swimming fins in a swimming pool, you should pay attention to the following criteria: