The Benefits of Watermelon

Today we will talk about what the benefits of watermelon, which brings its body consumption. The usefulness of any product is determined by the set of substances that have a positive effect on human health. As for watermelon, it includes a whole complex of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements that make it tasty and useful.

The health benefits of watermelon are great, although it is more than 92% water. It also contains about 6% carbohydrates and in a small amount - proteins, fats, dietary fiber, organic acids. In addition, sugar is also found here. It is not always believed that it is rich in vitamins, since the content of each of them is small, but together they constitute an effective vitamin complex. It is rich in vital elements and amino acids.

Lose weight with watermelon

Today watermelon is actively used as part of a diet for weight loss. This is facilitated by its diuretic and mild laxative effect, and low caloric content (27 kcal / 100 g) makes it indispensable in combating excess kilograms. It quenches thirst and dulls the feeling of hunger. The use of watermelon for weight loss is also in the fact that it flushes toxins from the body, helps purify the intestines, which allows you to reduce weight, while normalizing the digestive system. That is why with watermelon you can lose weight deliciously, without torturing your body with starvation and saturating it with vitamins.

Benefits for all

There are substances in the watermelon that actively participate in the activity of the organism and benefit.

  1. Watermelon contains riboflavin, thiamine, carotene, ascorbic acid - substances that are antioxidants and actively fight free radicals.
  2. Its use, according to experts, improves eyesight, increases immunity, reduces the risk of oncological diseases. In addition, watermelon is an excellent antidepressant.
  3. It is proved that magnesium, found in watermelons, improves the activity of the nervous system, strengthens the body's muscle tissue, and folic acid helps human development by working at the DNA level.

Who does not recommend a watermelon?

In addition to the fact that it can eat any healthy person, include in food as a dietary product, it is also recommended, however, by far not all.

It is believed that watermelon is indispensable in diseases of kidney diseases. The benefit of watermelon for the kidney is well known: watermelon diet is widely used, replenishing the body with water and helping to get rid of toxins and toxins. However, its use is limited in a number of renal diseases, so it's not worth it to go on watermelon diet alone with kidney problems without consulting a specialist.

There is much debate about the inclusion of watermelon in the nutrition of pregnant women, with opinions divided by mutually exclusive conclusions. Some believe that the use of watermelon during pregnancy, of course, is, since it saturates the body with useful substances and water, necessary for the pregnant woman. Others are concerned about its use. And yet it is useful to both the future mother and baby, since it additionally feeds both organisms with vitamins and strengthens the nervous system. In addition, it should be noted that during the entire pregnancy period a woman is under the supervision of a doctor, and he, in accordance with her state of health, will determine how useful a watermelon can be for a future mother in a given period. Thus, watermelon for pregnant women can bring both benefit and harm, depending on their health status and the amount eaten.

  1. Limit the consumption of watermelons "off-season" - there will be no benefit from it, in addition, grown and matured not in their natural terms, they have an increased content of nitrates, which can lead to poisoning.
  2. Buy only strong healthy watermelons without dents, spots on the peel and other injuries, indicating that they can be dangerous for consumption.
  3. Do not gnaw a watermelon to a green crust - it collects the greatest amount of harmful substances.