What is the protein?

Discussions between "meat-eaters" and vegetarians do not cease: the first think that protein is extremely necessary for the functioning of our body and the recommended 0.5 g is the very thing. The second piously believe that we are quite satisfied with a certain number of plant proteins, and, in general, the body is able to synthesize all the necessary amino acids independently. We will not cut from the shoulder, we will better understand each statement in order, and at the same time and talk about what contains protein.

Vegetable and animal

In many plant foods, protein is not less than in chicken or milk. However, our body is designed in such a way that only a part of the protein is always absorbed, everything else is excreted in the urine. Of plant products, the protein is digested much worse than from animals, and this can not be argued.


Among the fans of various methods of losing weight for decades, boiling spores over the amount of protein needed for weight loss. At one time we were told that the more protein, the easier it is to lose weight, and as a result, a lot of women mutilated their kidneys and liver.

If you are not engaged in power sports, prefer light aerobics, stretching - for you, optimal will be 0.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. In the case of a fanatic visit to the gym, inseparable love for dumbbells, a bar and other "weights", your muscles need to increase the dosage - up to 3 g per 1 kg of body weight.

And one more thing, there are amino acids that are replaceable (which we synthesize), and irreplaceable (which we do not synthesize). The first organism can create independently, the second - no, under no circumstances. Now it is reasonable to talk about products that contain protein to replenish those most essential amino acids.

Animal protein

The fact that animal protein is digested easier - we have already passed. Now about where exactly to find it:

All these products contain not only protein, but also fats, and not in the smallest amount. Do not forget that protein foods should give preference to low-fat meat, chicken without skin, and dairy products with a fat content of 2.5-3%. As for cheeses, fat content up to 40% is permissible here.

Vegetable protein

Since vegetarianism is now in vogue, regardless of not the best digestion, we simply have to tell which plants contain protein.

Let's start with nuts:

All of them are fat enough, so do not forget about the sense of proportion.

Worst of all, vegetable protein is absorbed from cereals, but, at least for combination with animal protein, you should know what kind of croup contains protein:

The most favorable combination is the animal and vegetable protein on one plate. That's why we recommend you combine meat, fish and dairy products with vegetable protein, for example, with vegetables.

Which vegetables contain protein:

In the fruit of the protein is very little, but still, that is. So, it is not superfluous to find out what kind of fruit contains protein:

Dietology can be called a science that teaches us to know the measure in everything. Lack of protein will lead to muscle exhaustion, hair loss and brittle nails, dry skin, weakness and vision problems. And the excess protein, as we have already said, will harm the kidneys and liver, as well as lead to intoxication of the body, since during the breakdown of proteins not only amino acids but also toxic decomposition products are produced.