Difference at the age of 20

Everyone knows the phrase "Love of all ages is submissive." Many believe that you can meet a man of your soul, your heart, both in 20 and 50 years. From the screen of blue televisions, with a happy eye, the spouses look at us, whose age difference exceeds the 10-year limit. But any girl in real life, determined to link her life with someone who is twice, three times her age, is really at risk. Let's try to figure out what to hide such a risk and what should be the optimal difference in the age of the spouses .

Difference at the age of 20

While the girl is 20 and he is 40, it seems that everything is fine: he is just like you, full of love, desires and strength. But time takes its toll and what will happen when you have 40 on a festive cake? And why, regardless of the apparent difficulties, the enamored girls climb into the pool with their heads, closing their eyes to the fact that there is a big age difference in their marriage?

  1. Mercantile causes are sometimes foundational in a marriage of this type. So, a man of mature age is a fairly wealthy person, able to provide not only himself, but his wife. Often, such an alliance is similar to a business contract.
  2. If the girl lacked paternal love in her childhood, it is not excluded that it is in a boyfriend of this age that she sees the man of her dreams.
  3. There is a category of men who, in family life, willingly play the role of mentor, and women, in turn, are apprentices. Now, if such two people bond themselves with family responsibilities, then it is likely that married life will be successful, despite the fact that in these relations the age difference plays an important role.
  4. Psychology does not exclude the possibility that two lovers truly experience true feelings for each other and in this case the difference in their age played a cruel joke.

The best age difference

It is important to note that studies conducted by the American Sociological Institute for the Study of Family Relations, in which involved about two thousand women and men, showed that, unfortunately, only 1% of respondents believe in the existence of an ideal relationship with men who are younger than their wives. 40% noted that for them the optimal age difference is 4 years, and 30% hold the opinion that 5 or 6 years. The experts analyzed all the answers and came to the conclusion that the best age difference is 4.4 years.

So, if you recall the star couples, the difference in age between which is 4.5 years, an obvious example of the royal couple Elizabeth II (87 years old) and her husband Philip Mountbetten (92) immediately come to mind.