How to check the protein for quality?

If you are striving to increase your muscle mass, you probably came up with the idea of ​​buying sports nutrition - protein, in order to make up for the increased demand for protein in case of power loads.

Fortunately, to force yourself to eat one cottage cheese and proteins on a special scale is not necessary. Producers have already separated the protein from all other components of food and are ready to sell it to you in the form of protein powder. Alas, the white powder at first glance is no different from flour or starch, so the number of falsifications is increasing. It is in the fight against unscrupulous manufacturers that we invite you to familiarize yourself with ways how to check the protein for quality.


Protein quality testing should begin with the compliance of the package with standards - sealed, holistic, with holograms and evenly glued labels. If you buy powder in a package, it should not have a sticker. In this case, everything is printed on the package.

Products of English and American origin are different from domestic imitations on measurement systems - ounces (oz) and pounds (lb), and the translation into grams is only in brackets. Protein from Germany, France, China, Sweden - in grams and kilograms.

Chemical experiments at home

The quality of whey protein can be easily determined in your kitchen. In a glass with water, add a few drops of alcoholic iodine solution, pour a little protein into it. If it was "diluted" with starch or flour - the liquid will turn purple. And if you used maltodextrin - a dark brown color.

When buying protein by weight, you can squeeze a pinch between your fingers and apply pressure - the protein should make a crunch like snow when you step on it.

Take in the mouth a little dry powder - a real protein will not dissolve, it will stick to clots to the teeth and gums.