Exercises from constipation

Laxatives with constipation can be used to cope with their consequences. But what to do to eliminate their cause, normalize the tone of the intestine and activate peristalsis? This effect will help to achieve special exercises from constipation .

Exercises on the back

It is very useful to do curative gymnastics in the morning. Exercises to improve the work of the intestines with constipation in the morning should be performed lying on the back. The most effective of them are:

  1. Place your hands on the navel and take a deep breath. On exhalation, strongly pull in the stomach and push it with both hands.
  2. Take your hands behind your head in exhalation and stretch your arms up, while pulling your belly.
  3. Alternately, bend the legs in the knee joints, sliding with your feet on the surface of the bed, and then bend both legs and stretch your knees to the navel.
  4. Inhale and on exhalation perform the movement of the "scissors" with straight legs.

Such exercises for the intestines with constipation should be repeated 5 times. If it's hard for you to do this number of repetitions, start with a smaller one. At occurrence of any unpleasant sensations it is necessary to stop to do or make medical gymnastics.

Exercises on the stomach

Quickly improve the work of the organs of blood supply and intestines with constipation exercises performed on the abdomen. There are only two of them:

  1. Brushes of arms put under shoulders, without tearing them, stand in a lath on носочки, and be stretched by a head to a foot. You can change the position not earlier than after 15 seconds.
  2. On the inspiration, perform the alternate lifting of the left hand with the right foot and the right hand with the left foot. On exhalation, smoothly sink to the floor.

Do these exercises against constipation slowly, without sharp jerks.

Standing exercises

Before performing therapeutic exercises with constipation in a standing position, resemble the place for 2 minutes. After that:

  1. Spread your legs shoulder width apart, take a very deep breath and squat down on the exhale, remaining on the entire foot. For balance, you can stick to a chair.
  2. Put your feet together, place your hands on your lower back. Raise alternately straight legs forward-upward and stretch to the feet with your hands.

Complete such a complex with a minute of usual walking on the spot and a minute of walking with rolling from the toe to the heel. After this, be sure to drink a glass of cold water.

Repeat the exercises every day. Contraindications for the performance of this gymnastics is: