Is it dangerous to remove moles?

Modern medicine offers ample opportunities for the removal of moles, but it is widely believed that such a procedure can provoke malignant processes. Let's consider, whether removal of birthmarks can be dangerous when it is really necessary, and when it is better to abstain from such procedure.

Why do I have to remove moles?

Reasons for removing moles:

  1. Medical. If there is a threat of degeneration of the birthmark in melanoma . Rapid change in the birthmark in size, redness or blackening, peeling, soreness are signs of a pathological process. Such birthmarks are removed without fail, and their histological examination is carried out.
  2. Aesthetic. Moles are located in open areas of the skin, negatively affect the appearance and cause psychological discomfort.

It is necessary to remove moles protruding above the skin, depends on the location and is highly desirable in places where there is a danger of their frequent damage (on the face, neck, underarms).

Is it dangerous to remove moles?

The main threat is the possibility of malignant degeneration of initially benign education due to negative external impact. Therefore, the danger is:

Methods of removing moles

Those who still decided to remove moles, usually worried about the question: which of the methods of their removal is the most secure? Let's try to answer it.

Is it dangerous to remove birthmarks surgically?

The oldest and most proven method, which has no contraindications. It is always used if there is a suspicion of oncology, since it allows you to remove all cells and take the material for analysis. However, after the operation, scars may appear.

Is it dangerous to remove birthmarks with a laser?

To date, the laser method of removing moles is the most common, especially in cosmetology. The operation is carried out quickly, does not leave scar or scars, the recovery period is small, but the laser application itself has a number contraindications and not all fit.

Is it dangerous to remove moles by cryotherapy?

This method consists in the destruction of cells by cold (most often liquid nitrogen). For cosmetic purposes, it is of little use, since after its use it is possible the appearance of white spots and keloid scars .

Among other methods of removing moles, it is worth mentioning the method of radio-wave removal (by the cosmetic effect is close to laser) and electrocoagulation (used most often to remove protruding moles, and can leave scars).