How quickly remove the bruise?

Each of us was in a situation when you hit something, and then a bruise appears in this place. But it's good if this place can be covered with clothes. And if there is a bruise on your face? And what to do if you need to go to work, and on the face - such beauty? How to remove the bruise very quickly with the help of folk and pharmacy means, we'll tell you now.

How quickly remove the bruise under the eye?

In the first minutes after the impact, edema appears first. At this point, you need to attach something cold to the place of injury - ice, snow, any product from the freezer. Also it can be metal objects - spoons, coins. Keep the cold at the site of the injury should be at least 15 minutes. Internal bleeding under the action of cold will stop, and the edema will subside. The cold will also reduce pain.

If the pain is strongly pronounced, you can take an analgesic drug or antispasmodic:

But it is worth remembering that in no case you can not take aspirin, so it dilutes the blood, and in a situation where the vessels are injured, it is inappropriate. Even one tablet of acetylsalicylic acid can cause an increase in the area of ​​bruising.

Quickly remove the bruise from the eye will also help the following remedies:

They have a good absorbency, removing swelling of the vessels, therefore, the bruise will quickly come down. But they need to be applied quickly, the faster, the better.

How can I quickly remove the bruise with a buckyard?

If a bruise has already appeared, it is necessary to act differently. Of drugstores, the badyagh has an excellent effect. To remove a bruise with it, you need:

  1. 2 tablespoons of powdered spaghetti mixed with 1 tablespoon of water.
  2. Stir to the state of gruel.
  3. Apply weight to the area of ​​the bruise for about fifteen minutes.
  4. Rinse the buckwheat with warm water.

It is necessary to conduct such a procedure at least twice a day. If the bruise is in the eye area, it is necessary to act with extreme caution, so that the bastard does not fall on the mucous membrane.

How quickly to remove the bruise on the face with the help of heat?

Under the influence of heat, blood circulation increases, so the bruise comes off quickly enough. For a thermal procedure to get rid of the hematoma, you can use an ordinary heating pad, a bag of heated salt or a warm boiled egg. You can warm the bruise 3-4 times a day for fifteen minutes. Only to do such procedure it is necessary already when the swelling was asleep. Immediately after the stroke, you can not heal a bruise.

How in one day to remove the bruise with the help of folk remedies?

Compress of salt and onion:

  1. On a small grater there is a three bulb.
  2. Add one tablespoon of salt.
  3. The resulting mixture is wrapped in a piece of tissue and applied to the bruise for thirty minutes.

You need to do this three times a day. For each procedure, you need to prepare a fresh onion mixture.

Compress of honey with beets:

  1. On a small grater we rub beets.
  2. Add honey in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Mix and apply a thick layer of the resulting mass to the bruise.

Compress of apple cider vinegar, salt and iodine:

  1. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar is mixed with one tablespoon of salt.
  2. Add 4 drops of iodine and mix.
  3. We moisten a piece of bintic in the resulting mixture and apply it to the affected area.

Compressed wormwood:

  1. Grass bitter wormwood grind in a mortar until the appearance of juice.
  2. Imbue them with a gauze napkin.
  3. Put the napkin in place of the bruise. It can be fixed with pieces of plaster.

To achieve maximum effect, you can, and even need, to use several funds during the day.